Wait I've been What?!?

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Two days had past.

"Your majesty?It's time to get up."Mickey harshly stirred as a nightmare attacked his aching body.Whines came from the young mouse.

"Hmmm.....Dis is that you?"Half whining Mickey crept out from under the sheets.

"Yes Mickey it is me..I must have you eat do to the two days you've been asleep for."Dis slowly pulled mickey to his feet so he could begin to walk to the kitchen.

"What would you like to eat my prince?"

"Um is it okay that I don't?"

"My prince I mean it you must eat....You have yet to eat in two whole days."

"What?!?You mean I've been asleep for two days Dis?!?I......Oh no!No no no...I promised to see all the leaders yesterday!"Mickey jumped down from the kitchen stool and was about to take off down the hall when he ran into something orange and white.


"What's the big idea?!?-Mickey you shouldn't be running haven't Goofy and I told you this?"

Gently brushing himself off Mickey stood up to see Donald looking down at him.

"Why are you so big?Why do I feel so small again?"Mickey looked himself up and down trying to connect all the weird issues he was having this morning.First the stool suddenly being too high for him to reteach on his own,then having to leap down to get off the chair and lastly being shorter than Donald,What is going on?

Donald picked Mickey up and sat him back on the stool while he was still in a daze about the whole shortness issues.

"Your majesty may I tell what is going on?"

"Go on...."

"You kingdom has had to recover and well you and castle Disney have been leaching off one another's age,so now both you and the castle are younger and repaired from the days past events."Nervously Dis placed a small dish of oatmeal on the table next to Mickey.

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