What has been hidden is to be shared.

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As my nobles stared at me,my sky colored eyes darted back and forth between the group.Something wasn't right.

'What is the matter?Why are you all acting as if you've seen a ghost?'As Mickey looked at the nobles again and again one young character spoke up.his clothes were very much so thin with a dark purple colors streaming back and forth between his chest and arms.

Clearing his throat,"Your majesty,hate to ask but we all wish to know how much you know about the new trends among the citizens?"

"What do you mean be "New trends" exactly?"The innocent blue gems sparkled with confusion and curiosity as Mickey arose in his chair to have a better view of the counsel.

"My king the citizens are verbally arguing with each other about the human actors and humans in general coming to be new members of the Disney Kingdom.They have now escalated to physical disagreements."

Mickey's eyes went from a calming reflection to a title wave of agony.Mickey was about to speak but sharp shards of pain hit Mickey's chest.His nobles stared at the prince questioning his well fair but Mickey only whined from the throbbing aches in his chest.

'Not a war.I never wanted that for my people.And who on Disney had the idea to bring the humans into my kingdom?!?!My father would have never-ah Dis!Make it stop please!'

Wincing to regain his strength Mickey waved his right hand giving the nobles a sign that he needed some space.Slowly moving away the men turned to the now opened white doors leading to the hall way to the king's quarters.

Mist of a human form appeared his body language said it all.

"Back away from the king..." His once kind voice was now a harsh and protective growl.As the nobles backed away the prince only let out another whine.Bowing before the prince Dis quickly shouted to the maids to assemble the doctors.

'Dis please tell me what is wrong?Why am I-'

'My prince I only know one thing and one thing only your kingdom is being torn by it's people and every time the fighting breaks it is slowly killing you.No matter what medicine the doctors give you do not and I repeat DO NOT Take IT.The meds will make it hurt even more then it already is.I'm sorry my prince but nothing can stop this from happening.'

'.......Why?Why do my people quarrel?Why do they think that fighting will solve anything?After every-every thing I have shown them,they do not see that it is going to be the end to both them and our home.'

'I'm-I'm so so sorry my prince.'With that Dis placed Mickey in the infirmary as the doctors began to speak about the pain and problems of Mickey's health.

King of DisneyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora