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We walk around the maze that is the newly re-vamped train station and talk about little things, still attempting to get to know one another. I enjoy getting to know him, usually I have my defences up when meeting new people, so it's nice to feel comfortable around someone who really is just a stranger. It's also pretty strange.

"So what's your favourite season?" Brad asks me as we're walking towards where the shops are mainly located.

"Season? I don't know..." I think for a second. "Probably Autumn, it's cosy and I like the colours." I shrug. "What about you?"

"Winter, for sure." He smiles. "I love snow and Christmas and snowmen." He grins like a child.

I fondly look at his innocence which I find so strange to see on another person. I really admire it.

"You sound like a little kid." I chuckle.

"I basically am." He shrugs. "I've accepted it."

I laugh at him, causing my eyes to crinkle slightly. When my eyes reopen again, I notice that he's leading me towards a new shop. I quickly follow him into the sweet smelling shop and follow his footsteps. My eyes observe the stocked shelves filled with brightly coloured sweets and confectioneries.

"And this further proves my point about you being a child." I joke as I realise he's dragged me into a sweet shop.

"Sh, I'm hungry." He stops by a shelf filled with clear plastic tubs containing a variety of brightly wrapped bars. "A man has gotta eat."

"Oh it's man now, is it?" I joke with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk, to which he watches carefully before shaking his head with a smile. "What is this stuff anyway?" I ask as I read the labels on the foreign looking bars.

"How do you not know what this is?" He asks me whilst picking up a yellow bar with red lettering on the front. "I love American chocolate."

"Well, incase you haven't noticed, I don't live in America, nor have I ever been." I smartly respond.

He looks to me with a smile and a rolling of his eyes before grabbing another bar and holding it in his hands, this one a brown colour with white writing.

"Neither do I." He responds. "You're telling me you've never tried this?" He asks.

"No, I haven't." I shrug and watch him as he grabs a handful of different bars of chocolate, filling his hands until they can't carry anymore.

"You're trying all of these. You have to." He insists and already starts walking towards the counter to purchase the items.

Thankfully, there's a small queue so I have chance to argue with him whilst we wait.

"I won't be, but you can eat all of this to yourself." I smile.

"You have no choice, you're trying them." He shuts me down and moves up in the queue.

"You're not buying more stuff, you can have them all." I insist but realise that I'm getting nowhere.

"It's called sharing, Maddi." He gives me a sarcastic smile and throws the bars onto the counter.

The teenage girl begins scanning the items one by one, seeming very fed up with the amount being bought.

"I said only my friends can call me that." I cross my arms in front of my chest.

"We're friends, now." He shrugs with a teasing smile.

"Oh are we?" I raise my eyebrow at him. "I don't remember agreeing to this."

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