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"So..." Brad begins, his hands stuffed into his pockets as we walk slowly around the large white building. "Why did you move here?" He asks me.

"I thought I told you I didn't want to talk about that?" I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Well, hopefully you can trust me more now." He shrugs whilst making his way around a mother scolding her child in the middle of the slightly less busy train station.

"I've known you less than three hours." I remind him.

"A very long three hours." He adds with a playful smile.

"Not long enough." I chuckle and continue to walk with him.

"You..." He begins to talk to me but trails off as he stares at something ahead of us.

I follow his wide eyes to see a small, ivory skinned girl with long auburn hair. Her eyes seem to meet Brad's and widen a lot like his, before crinkling by the sides and brightening with her wide smile. She scurries excitedly over to us and instantly pulls the curly haired man beside me into a tight hug.

"Hey!" She almost squeals as they hug each other, Brad seeming more reserved as his hands lightly hold her petite back.

"April, hey." Brad breathes with shock.

The two pull away from the hug, the red head staring up at him with a large smile and bright green eyes.

"Uh...April, this is Madison. Madison, this is April." Brad nervously introduces us and the small girl's eyes drift to mine for the first time.

"Hey, nice to meet you." I hold out my hand with a polite smile gracing my full lips.

"You too." She grins and shakes my hand.

"How do you two know each other?" I ask.

I notice that April has freckles sprinkled across her face and brown flecks ingrained in her green eyes.

"This is actually my ex girlfriend." Brad chuckles awkwardly.

Why does he seem so awkward around her? April seems perfectly comfortable, happy even. But Brad seems very reserved and almost scared.

"Oh!" I exclaim and control my widened eyes.

Is this the one that criticised his laugh? That would explain why he would be acting strange now. I don't say anything else as the awkward tension makes its presence known. I just stand back and watch the two talk to each other.

"How have you been?" She asks him casually, as if nothing is unusual.

"Good..." Brad nods and shoves his hands back in his front pockets of his jeans. "Where are you off to?" He asks.

"My best friend is coming to visit." She grins. "What about you? Did you get a gig?" She asks as her eyes notice the guitar case on his back.

"Yeah, in London. It's only small." He shrugs and looks down.

"Another small gig? You've been having those for years." She says happily as if her words weren't rude just now.

"That's kind of what the music business is like." Brad awkwardly chuckles, now completely avoiding eye contact with the red head.

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