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"I liked your set." I run my fingers around the circumference of the glass as I look at Brad.

"You did?" He asks with shock but a grin soon takes place. "Thanks."

"You deserve better gigs than this bar." I chuckle and I can almost feel my own eyes glistening as I look at him.

"I wish." He huffs. "People are looking for pop stars, they don't appreciate music that doesn't involve a catchy beat and repetitive song lyrics anymore." He almost rants. "But thank you." He smiles softly before taking a sip from his glass of brown liquid.

"I'd rather listen to you anyway." I smile and he looks properly at me now, his eyes glistening too under the lighting of this bar.

"You're being awfully complimentary." He smiles. "Is this what alcohol does to you?" He teases me.

There's that flirtatious attitude I enjoy so much.

"This is what a pep talk from my best friend does to me." I chuckle. "And a little bit of the alcohol." I scrunch my nose up.

"I must thank Ally, then." He chuckles and looks behind him to my best friend who is currently in a deep conversation with the bar tender who is no longer busy.

"If you ever get the chance." I joke, making us both laugh.

Once the laughter dies down, we both watch each other carefully. I notice him looking at me slightly differently now. Before it was like he was looking into me, now it's like he's actually looking at me.

"You know, I've never met someone like you." Brad says softly and I suddenly notice how close we've been this entire time. There's only about three feet between us, so much so that I can see the slightly darker flecks of brown in his eyes.

"How so?" I raise my eyebrow at him and adjust myself so I'm leaning against the bar but still facing him.

"Someone who actually interests me." He tells me. "Of course, your insanely attractive appearance helps too, but you genuinely intrigue me and I find that very hard to come by." He sips from his drink, maintaining eye contact at all times.

I find myself almost blushing at the compliment. I usually find myself becoming tired with compliments, but he seems to find a new way each time that doesn't involve my appearance, and I admire that.

"Thank you, I guess." I respond and try to take control of my flaming cheeks. Thankfully, my skin colour makes it less noticeable, especially in this dim bar.

"You're welcome." He smiles. "You're also cute when you blush." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Asshole." I tease with a smile as I finally take a sip from my drink and enjoy the confidence it gives me.


"Ready to tell me why you moved yet?" He randomly asks me.

"Will you ever give up?" I ask him.

I don't particularly want to tell him, because I don't like to talk about it. But I feel as though I can trust him...maybe that's the alcohol talking.

"Nope." He cheekily grins.

"Fine." I huff. "Like I said, I wanted to go to University, but there was another reason that made me want to move there, rather than stay here." I try to think of a good way to say it but decide there is no good way. "My best friend slept with my boyfriend." I sigh.

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