Years later

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Couple years later

"WHO DRANK THE LAST COALA!" Shouted edd from the kitchen all of us looked at Matt, As he took a sip of Coke,
"Don't worry edd I'll go to the shops with you we need more food anyways" you said as you put on your f/c hoodie
" I swear you guys are lucky to have me god knows how you would survive"
" hey we could" edd said
" oh okay then I'll just go pack my things and go"
" I was only joking please don't" edd replied worried you were actually going to leave
" pfft your so gullible, come on  let's go"

About hour later
You and edd come back from shopping
" we're back hope you haven't killed each other while we were gone" you shouted while you entered the house
"We're in here" Tom and Matt shouted from the kitchen.
"Where's Tord?" Asked edd
" bathroom" Matt said mumbled with a mouth full of cookies. "Oh right well you guys can put the shopping away while I go take a shower" you said and headed upstairs to your room, a you were walking past you saw tord folding some clothes and putting them into a suitcase. You knocked on his door, "uh hey tord what are you doing?"
"I oh uh y/n I was just about to go down and uh brake the news I'm leaving" he said looking down sadly.
" ha ha funny joke, go and help the boys unpack the shopping"
"Y/n" the tall Norwegian said and took your hand, " I'm being serious I'm going I just want to thank you for all the years we have had together it's been a great adventure" he said as he picked up his suitcase he packed just moments ago and headed down stairs. You just stood there heart broken you really did care about tord you loved him but you didn't want to ruin the friendship you had only Matt knew that you liked him. You stood there and let him leave , you headed to your room and went to your on suite and took a shower and then locked your self in your room for the rest  in the night.
From then on you shut your real feelings away edd and Matt thought there was nothing wrong but tom knew something was up and he was going to get to the bottom of it.

Well that's chapter 2 sorry if the end but didn't make sense but yea boiiiii 😊

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