Has he changed?

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Tord answered

E: "hi is this Tord"
T:"Edd how are you"
E: "uh yeah fine I was just wondering i-if you want to meet up You, me, Matt and
T: "Sure that sound wonderful meet me at the arcade you know the one that we use to go to just like old times"
E: "Uh sure meet you there at 12 today bye"
T: "Bye"

You all head to the arcade waiting for tord, Matt looks really  uneasy and Edd is  just enjoying his cola. Then someone burst through the door.
"Hello friends" tord says Matt flinches
"What's the matter pretty boy" tord says and grabs his chin Matt just smiles, he looks so scared.
" hey tord" you said trying to get Matt out of the situation he's in," y/n your looking beautiful/handsome as always" ( I don't know what gender people are who reads this soo yeah I'm not assuming anyone's gender okay please don't kill me)
" uh ha t-thanks tord , anyways lets play some games" you replied blushing at his comment. Edd and Matt went to the claw machine because Matt wanted the monkey for some reason, which left you a tord alone.
" well y/n did you changed  your mind about moving with me?" He said with hope in his eyes.
" tord listen I'm not sure I mean Matt really needs me do you know how much you frightened him is scared of you it was obvious the way he acted with you and Tom he's really not happy with you being back and all that and edd need my help it's hard for him to play mum all the time"
"I know I know I'm sorry for what I did to all of you u really am I don't know what came over me , I went to see you when you were in hospital you know, tom didn't want me to at first and then he let me in, when I saw what I did to you" tears started to go down Tords  face. " I still haven't forgiven myself for that I'm just hoping that you will"
You went over to Tord and hugged him and he hugged you back, he was crying , he was actually crying after all the years you knew him he never showed any sadness yet here you two were.
He pulled back a little and started to kiss you, you put your hands around his neck as he held your waist, you loved it , you loved him.
" y/n!" Matt said in shock, you pulled away from Tord, Matt stared at you with shock then hate.
" y/n what the hell are you doing have you magically forgotten what he done to us to all of us and now your snogging his face off what is wrong with you" Matt shouted
You have never seen him this angry.
" Matt wait!" He shouted after him as he ran off.
"Don't worry you just move to Norway with you new boyfriend and and leave me to deal with this mess" edd said with anger in his voice.
You really messed up this time

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