She whose job gets blown up

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You guys know how this works. Hi, how you doin, whatever...On with the story, cuz I'm sure you don't wanna read about my greetings. Hope you like :3


"London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady~" I sang as I locked up the cash register. Humming as I got my handbag, I was about to leave, when the security guard stopped me. I sighed, and picked my bunny, B, up from the ground, and put him on top my panda, L's head. Yes, I have a pet bunny and a pet panda. Get the fuck over it.

"Hey, kid, would you mind taking these down to the boss? It's the money for the lottery." he said, and I sighed, nodding and taking it from his hands.

"Fine. But if the bunny says come back up then I'm coming back up." He waved me off grinning, and I went down into the basement.

"Boss?" I called, only to get no response. Now, I'm not a brave person or anything, I just felt the need to find him no matter what. Because leaving the money in his office would be too unnofficial, right? Hell no. I'm insane, thank you for asking.

"Bloody crayons...this had better be worth it, B." I muttered. I heard a light chuckle in my ear and grinned.

"So, where exactly is the little ray of sunshine I call my boss? I'm only seventeen, I can't exactly find his heat source, dammit. Gotta wait till I'm eighteen for that." I talked to myself to ease the tension and get rid of the feeling of dread that was washing over me with each step I took.

"That's it. If I've gotta come through this place all the time I'm quitting this job..." I said, and turned the corner to where I heard a sound. Like a muffled thud, as if something was falling and you caught it just in time. I reached a door, and it sounded again. Wonder what that was? You know, if I were in a horror movie, there would be people staring and telling me not to open the freaking door. But, people in horror movies never listen, do they? I took hold of the door knob and turned, only to be greeted by a bunch of plastic mannequins. I rolled my eyes and went up to the closest one.

"Hello there. You haven't been banging around in here, have you? I hope not, then I really would have to quit." I spoke to it as I circled it. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, I was about to go back through the door, when the sound came again, but on this side of the door this time, it sounded like something hitting against the tile floor. Something like...plastic.

I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"B, L, tell me it isn't actually the mannequins." Hearing no response, I gulped and chanced a look behind me. My eyes went wide as I stared. Was it just me or was there always a clearing in the middle of the dolls that I had just coincedentally stepped into? Hehe...Time to go. I bolted for the door with L in hand and the bunny still on his head, hearing creaks and groans behind me. A few mannequins I passed had the nerve to try and grab me once of twice. I managed to get free, but of course not without losing the money. The money. Aw Shizz, I'm gonna be hanged for that money on Monday!

'Ahem. Not the time.' came a voice in my ear. I nodded.

"Sorry bout that, you know how it goes sometimes." I said, grinning as the adrenaline kicked in. Not looking where I was going, I raced through the door and into the arms of...Wait, who was this guy?

He pulled me into a corner, with his hand over my mouth as the plastic things went past. I gave an annoyed whine and he gave me a look before ignoring me. I then licked his hand and he pulled away, giving me a grossed out look.

In the Tardis, where it's smaller on the outside (Book 2 of the New Noblesse)Where stories live. Discover now