End of the World

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"Alright then, kid, you tell me. Backwards or forwards in time? It's your choice, what's it gonna be?" asked the Doctor. I grinned. It's been approximately three minutes since I woke up and the Doctor was at my door, attempting to break my doorbell, from the looks of it. Apparently, he wanted to know exactly how far my awesomeness could take me, and, let's face it, I'm brilliant. That was actually his only reason for asking me to come with him.

Yes, he asked me to come with him traveling through time and space, holy cheeseballs! I was so freaking excited I said yes without even thinking. No literally. The most I did was comprehend the words themselves, not bothering to put them together and form some form of understanding in my brain. Just 'yes' straight out. He looked a bit shocked, but then gave me a huge smile and dragged me into the TARDIS. Impatient spud.

"Hm....Forward." I said, sipping the cofee he gave me. Normally I don't like it, but if I wanted to stay awake, it was necessary. I watched was he pulled a few levers and switched a few switches and pushed a few buttons. "How far?" he asked, and I shrugged. "A hundred years." I said, and he did some more things, and we were lurched slightly. Had to stop my cofee from spilling. When we stopped, he looked up at me. "Step outside those doors and there you go, it's the twenty second century." he said, and I smirked. "Your kidding." I said, and he grinned mischeviously. "D'you wanna go further?" he asked. I nodded. "Fine by me." he did more jiggery pokery. We were lurching again, then we stopped. "Ten thousand years in the future. Step outside and it's the year 12005. The New Roman Empire." he said, and I chuckled.

"You think you're so impressive, don't you, space man?" I said, grinning, and he looked slightly offended.

"I am impressive." he said, and I laughed. "You wish." I replied, and he grinned.

"Right then. You asked for it. I know exactly where to go." he said, looking like he had just discovered gold. More magic-y stuff with the TARDIS' levers and switches and buttons, and we were being thrown about. Then, we stopped. I looked up at him.

"Well? Where are we now, Mr. Spock?" I mocked. He rolled his eyes, then grinned brightly and gestured to the door.

I went to it and opened it, to find a room that looked like it was made out of some seriously polished wood. Stepping down onto the floor of the room, it felt like tile. I took a few steps, and the Doctor then came out of the TARDIS, and proceeded to buzz a weird intercom looking thing while I looked around. I went down some stairs, and then a huge shutter went up and revealed a glass window, and through it, I saw the Earth. It was beautiful. The Doctor sighed.

"You lot. Spend all your time thinking about dying. Like if your going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible; that maybe you survive. This is the year five point five slash apple slash 26. (5.5/apple/26). Five billion years into your future. And this is the day, hold on." he said, as he looked at his watch. Then, all of a sudden, the sun exploded.

"This is the day the sun expands." he said, then looked at me. "Welcome to the end of the world." he said, and I nodded. "Doctor...give me a straight answer." I said. "Yes?" he asked. "Does the year honestly have the word 'apple' in it?" I asked, holding in laughter. He chuckled. "I knew it. The world's ending and you want to know why the year has the word 'apple' in it. Yes, it does, by the way." he said, and I nodded, then looked away, laughing silently.

When I was done, I looked back in front of me. "No one can stop it now." he said, and I scoffed. "Do you really want to bet on that?" I asked, and he opened his mouth before closing it again. "No. No I don't. Not with you, anyway." he said, and I snickered. "Smart man, Space man." I said, and grinned as he rolled his eyes. "I keep telling you, I'm not a space man, I'm a Time Lord!" he said, and I nodded. "And are Time Lords not from space?" I asked, and he sighed. "It doesn't work like that, if it did, then humans would be considered space people!" he said, and I nodded. "I know, I just like teasing you. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to make some popcorn to watch as the Earth burns." I said, and he gave me a weird look. "What?" I asked, one hand on the TARDIS' door handle.

"Why would you enjoy your planet burning?" he asked, and I grinned.

"Oh Doctor. No matter what it is, I enjoy watching anything burn." I said, and he raised and eyebrow before nodding and turning back to the window. "I'll remember that." he said, and I giggled and slipped inside the TARDIS.

When I came out after making my popcorn, I joined the Doctor, who was waiting outside the door. "Sorry bout the wait. Your microwave's broken, by the way." I said, and he made a noise that sounded like "Wha'dyoudo?" and I shrugged. "I dunno, but don't worry. You've got a better one now. Might I add that this one also works for pizza?" I said, jerking my thumb in the direction of the TARDIS. He sighed and led me out of the room, and through a hallway. We heard a voice over the speakers.

"Guests are reminded that Platform one forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion." I grinned. "I like this place." I said, and the Doctor laughed. "So when they say guests, do they mean people?" I asked, and he shrugged. "Depends on what you mean by people." he said, and I snorted. "I mean creatures with cotton candy flowing from their fingertips. When I say people I mean people. What do you mean?" I said, and he gave his normal grin. "Aliens." he said as we turned a corner, and I nodded. "Shoulda known. So what're they doing on board this spaceship?" I asked as he got out his sonic screwdriver. "It's not really a spaceship, more like an observation deck." he replied as he buzzed something on a wall. I 'ahh'ed. "So the great and the good and gathering together to watch the planet burn." I said, and he nodded. "Yep." he said, popping the 'p'. "What for? Fun." he said, answering his own question. I nodded. "I like these 'people' you speak of." I said, and he grinned. "I thought you might."

"So, where're all the citizens of the Earth?" I asked. "It's empty. They're all gone." he said, and I nodded. Then, there was a voice, and a blue dude came up to us. No, seriously. He was blue. A damn dark blue, might I add. "So who the hell are you then?" he asked, and the Doctor spun around. "Oh, that's nice, thanks." he said, and I waved from behind him. "But how did you get in? This is a maximum hospitality zone." the blue dude said. "The guests have embarked, they'll be here anytime soon-" he was interrupted by the Doctor, flashing him a...blank piece of paper. "That's me, I'm a guest, see? Here's the invitation, says 'The Doctor plus one.' I'm the Doctor, she's my plus one." he said, and the blue dude looked at the blank paper before nodding. "Is that okay?" the Doctor asked. "Well, obviously. Apologies, etcetera. If you're on board, we'd better start. Enjoy." he said, then walked away quickly. The Doctor nodded, and when the blue dude left, he showed me the paper. "The paper's slightly psycic. It shows them whatever I want them to see. Saves alot of time." he said.

"He's blue." I said, and he nodded. "Yeah."

"Okay..." I said to myself.

"We have, in attendance, The Doctor and..." the blue guy trailed off, and I decided this deifinitely is the best time to be wearing what I'm wearing; the best time to have myself sporting an Assassin's Creed cosplay outfit with a hood covering my face from view. I spoke with elegance.

"My name is Kuroi, of...Lukedonia."


Pretty damn sure you guys have made the connection by now ;) You had better, do I need to spell it out further?

Sowwy it was so short, but no worries, another one's comin up soon :3




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