She whose job gets blown up Pt 2

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"Time And Relative Dimension In Space." The Doctor explained, as I looked around the inside of his blue box.

"Holy mother of the flying unicorns...this is sooo awesic! A mix of awesome and epic, by the way. Anywhore, it's so cool! It's smaller on the outside! The box is a time machine! It flies! And, insert drum roll here, we can teleport anywhere inside it!" I said, and, teleported to where the Doctor was. He made a confused look.

"The TARDIS doesn't do that." he said, and I froze before I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Yes it does! Since...I did it!" I said, and he rolled his eyes, probably knowing that we won't be getting anywhere anytime soon. I grinned as we stepped out of the TARDIS, now in some other part of London.

"You win this time. Now, let's go. we need to find he Nestene conciousness. It's releasing a signal to those plastic dolls with a kind of transmitter." he said.

"I wonder, what does a transmitter look like?" I said, and he looked around, still searching for it as he spoke.

"Like a transmitter. Big, massive, round, it's gotta be somewhere right bang smack in the middle of the city." I rose an eyebrow as I stared behind him. He turned around, not noticing what I was staring at.

"What?" he asked, and I sighed, still staring at the thing behind him. He turned again, and turned back to me, frowning.

"What?" he asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Fudging crayons, Doctor, do you not see the rollercoaster behind you?" I asked, and he rose an eyebrow.

"Now, I realise you might have a weird thing for rollercoasters and crayons and bunnies and pandas and vampires and-" I cut him off.

"THE FLYING MINT BUNNY AND SPARKLY VAMPIRE PRINCE." I said, and he nodded, holding his hands up in surrender. I then rolled my eyes.

"No but really. Do you not see the big, massive, thing that just happens to be round, bang smack in the middle of the city, and what we're looking for?" I asked, and he turned around again, and this time turned back to me with a smile.


We ran all around the place, until I spotted a weird...thing that definitely led underground. I called him over.

"Doctor, what say you about this...thing over yonder?" I asked, and he grinned.

"I say you're brilliant, thinking about that...thing over yonder." he said as he ran over to me. I laughed and followed him down the ladder of the...thing and to the nesting place of the nestene conciousness. I couldn't help but giggle, and he gave me a 'what is wrong with you, shut up!' kind of look. It helped me become quieter, but laughter was threatening to explode. He held out a tall vial of blue...stuff inside it to me, and I stared at it.

"What is it?" I asked, and he put it back into his coat pocket.

"Anti-plastic." he said, and I nodded.

"Well, hurry up, talk to it. I don't think killing it necessary. Want me to hold onto it? Just as a precaution. It might see it and get suspicious." I said, and he gave a thoughtful look before handing it to me. I pocketed it and watched as he went down the last of the stairs towards the conciousness and followed a little way behind. I growled as I felt the familiar presence enter my mind again.

"You have come." it said, and it was only then I noticed the voice was outside my head. I nodded, as did the Doctor, who spun around, surprised as he heard my voice.

"Yes. Why have you come here?" I asked. (referring to the planet earth). I got no response until The Doctor intervened.

"I seek an audience with the Nestene Conciousness under peaceful contract according to convention 15 of the Shadow Proclamation." he said, and I cleared my throat.

In the Tardis, where it's smaller on the outside (Book 2 of the New Noblesse)Where stories live. Discover now