World War Three Pt 3

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I grinned.

"Alright, now we're talkin'!" I exclaimed. Lucifer sent me a breif grin. I look at Harriet.

"We're gonna chuck a missile at 'em." I said, then blink.

"Aww shizz. Lucifer, get Harriet out of here. She's human, she might die from the impact." I said. He nods and scoops up a protesting but surprised Harriet in his arms and leaves through the shadows. I grin and turn to the Doctor, who has his finger on the fire button. 

"Ready?" he asks. I grin at him.

"Of course. When aren't I ready for a missile?" I replied, and he nodded with a goofy smile and clicked the button. A few seconds of absolutely nothing, I went into the cupboard and emptied it. 

"What're you doing?" The Doctor asked. 

"If anyone asks how we survived this, we hid in here, under this heavy beam thing." I replied. He nodded, shrugging carelessly. I then get out of the cupboard and hand him the brandy glass. I poured him one, and took the bottle. He sent me a 'you shouldn't be doing that' kind of look, which I expertly ignored, and we toasted, then drained our containers. Surprisingly enough, mine was gone faster than his was XD

Then, the building shook. The Doctor and I waited it out, sitting normally in one of the chairs, until there was an undeniable scent of gas. I groaned.

"It's hit a gas tank or something, I can smell it from here." I said. He sighed.

"So, into the cupboard then?" he suggested. I grinned and nodded.

"Yeah. Into the cupboard then." 

We scrambled for it, and closed the door just in time for a huge explosion to come blasting in through the doors of the Cabinet Room. I blinked and looked at the Doctor.

"The hell is the Cabinet Room less stable than a freaking cupboard in the Cabinet Room?!" I asked, slightly worried that the people who built this place might have been slightly tipsy at the time of construction. He laughed, shrugging.

We got outof the cupboard, to see smoke and rubble all around us. Harriet comes up to us with Lucifer.

"Master." Lucifer -quite literally and rudely- dropped Harriet and came over to me.

"Have you been hurt?" he asked. I shook my head, smiling at him.

"No, I'm fine, thanks." I replied, giving him a hug. He returned it, comforting me. What? I might be the Noblesse, but I've just been hit by a missile and hid in a cupboard during a gas explosion. Leamme alone, I deserve to be shaken up a bit, dammit! Grr.

Harriet then goes to speak to the entire world on camera, telling them that everything is alright. The Doctor and I watch her fondly from a distance, then we leave. 


"Baskerville, we're back!" I called as we entered my apartment. I stretched as the Doctor flopped down on the couch. Lucifer conjured up a glass of water for him, which he accepted with a grin. I stiffened as I smelt a familiar scent. 

"HOLY MOTHER OF DAIRY!" I screamed as I recognised the scent. The Doctor came in, giving me a 'what the hell is wrong with you?' look, until he saw who I was staring at. Gaara. Sabaku No Garra was in my living room. Dafuq?

"Should I ask, or will you explain your unannounced entrance?" I asked, and he rose an eyebrow. 

"Pfft. Okay, I can't hold this any longer. PANDA-CHAN~" I glomped him, plain and simple. He hugged me, twirling me around in a circle and kissed me.

"Kuroi. I came to see you." he said. 

"No kidding. You're here! Who brought ya?" I asked, guiding him to the armchair.

"Rozaria." he replied. I nodded in understanding.

"Lukedonia is having a small problem." he said, and I perked up, alert and serious. I heard but ignored the impressed whistle from the Doctor.

"There are demons coming to the surface without permission of the Noblesse or Lord." Lucifer said, interrupting Gaara, who nodded his greeting and agreement to him. I frowned.

"The Clan Leaders? What are they doing about it?" I asked. Gaara's tone turned cold and harsh.

"Nothing." he spat. I was confused.


"They believe it is now the authority of the Noblesse to do everything. As in EVERYTHING." he said. I blinked.

"They didn't seem like those sort of people when I met them." I said, and he looked confused, but then his eyes widened slightly and he shook his head.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I was getting annoyed. Forgive me." he said, and I tilted my head to the side. Why must you confuse me, bro?

"They say you should go, for the experience of dealing with things like this." he said, and I 'oh'ed in understanding. He 'tsk'ed and looked away.

"I still say they're just being lazy." he said, and I laughed.

"It's fine, Gaara. Where are the demons going through?" I asked. He shook his head.

"They haven't told me. Or rather, I was too excited of coming to see you than to listen." he said, looking away, embarrassed. I snickered.

"Missed you too, Gaara. Well, come one. You wanna come? We'll go on an adventure!" I said, and he smiled, but shook his head.

"I have to do some things in Konoha and Suna." he said. I pouted.

"Killjoy. " I muttered, but then grinned at him to show I was just teasing.

"Doctor, I'll just-" I stopped, because when I looked around, I found he was gone. I growled, annoyed.

"Bastard's gone without me. Oh well. Lucifer, leave him a note on the door or somethin, would ya?" I called as I made my way to the bathroom.

"I'm in the shower if you need me." I said. Gaara rose an eyebrow, and I flushed red.

"Not like that, perv! Get out!" I chased him out, and heard him chuckling as he went back to the living room. Grr. I love him, but he'll be the death of me someday.


I'm sorry! This is SOOO short, I know. I've been sorta busy, but school's closed until next term, so chapters are gonna be posted alot more frequently. 






In the Tardis, where it's smaller on the outside (Book 2 of the New Noblesse)Where stories live. Discover now