Back again? The hell bro?

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"Kuroi, there's someone calling himself a doctor for you. And Lucifer says he's in Lukedonia because the Clan Leaders are requesting at least his presense at their meeting" the teacher said, sounding quite confuffled as he relayed Lucifer's message. I nodded, and yawned. Then it hit me, and I blinked and cracked up.

"That idiot. Can he come in, or do I have to go outside?" I asked, and he sent me a pointed look. I groaned and stood, then made my way to the door. I opened it and he gave me a grin, looking odd animated again. I giggled.

"You look weird." we said together, blinked, and laughed. 

"Yeah, I know. So, when are we leaving?" I asked, and all of a sudden Ichigo, Rukia and Chad were with me by the door. 


"Who's this? Where's he taking you?" Ichigo asked, making me sweatdrop. The teacher cleared his throat, but the three dreadful warning glares from my concerned -cough- nosy -cough- classmates next to me made him shut up and face front. I sighed.

"Guys, this is the Doctor. Dude had to go somewhere, so I came here. Didn't know he'd come back this soon though, so I might have to leave for a while." I said, narrowing my eyes at the Doctor as I mentioned his previous departure.

They shook their heads, not wanting me to go. Of course, they all had their different reasons. I groaned and dug in my pockets for something. I grinned as I found what I was looking for. I gave Rukia a serious look, mellowing the atmosphere immensely, and took her hand. I put something in her palm and closed her fingers over it. Turning to Ichigo and Chad, I gave them different things as ewell, in the same way.

"We're going to leave in ten minutes, the Doctor and I. Do not, under ANY circumstances open your fists until we're gone." I said, and they nodded. I looked over their shoulders to the teacher, giving him an apologetic grin. I pushed past the three infront of me to get to my stufff while the Doctor waited patiently, leaning against the door frame. I picked up my bag, books and stopped as I reached for the pencil on my desk. I then held it up for the class to see.

"Who wants a clicky clicky pencil?" I asked, and they sweatdropped.

"Mechanical." someone coughed. 

"Er...Who wants a mechanical pencil?" I asked, and several hands shot up. I blinked and left it on my desk. Gonig back to the front of the class, I sent an evil grin over my shoulder. As a parting gift to my teacher, I think there should be no more of this horrid Physics class.

"Scramble for it." I said, and they all jumped.


"So...where are we going now?" I asked the Doctor. He shrugged.

"Where d'you wanna go?" he asked. I grinned. 

"You said something about France, 1800s?" I asked, and he grinned.

"I was to ask you...what did you give to your friends?" he asked. I laughed, and he smirked, setting up a television-like box, fiddling with the dials until we saw Rukia, Chad and Ichigo. They opened their fists simultaneously, only to compare them and grow irk marks. In their hands was a piece of paper each.

Rukia's said 'Did you really'

Chad's said 'believe this was'

Ichigo's was 'actually something important?'

The Doctor laughed as the TARDIS made it's usual metallic swishing noise. I don't know how metal can swish, but it swished, okay? Hmph.






In the Tardis, where it's smaller on the outside (Book 2 of the New Noblesse)Where stories live. Discover now