27 || To Kill a King

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Spock's eyes burned with hatred as he watched the alien step away, wiping the blood off of his long, clawed hands. The body of the young Ensign laid on the other side of the room, large drops of dark red blood dripping from the stained metal surface as two guards dragged him away.

A sickness burned throughout Spock's body, the anger, the rage, flowing through his veins like fire.  It was not another humanoid life form standing before Spock. It was a monster.

The alien turned to Spock and grinned. "Now you see. I am the leader." He headed towards the Vulcan, holding a knife stained red. "I can give life and I can take life. What can your Federation do to me now?"

Spock's voice was clear, concise and unchanging as he spoke. "The Federation will do nothing. You will not stand before a court to answer for your crimes here and all of the crimes you have committed upon this planet," He paused, for a moment, a darkness flooding his eyes. "Because I swear on the grave of my mother and that of my people, I will be the one to end your life."

The alien's grin faded quickly from his face. He roared in anger knocking a metal tray of tools across the room. It clattered loudly against the ground but Spock didn't even flinch.

"You are nothing but words and empty threats." He hissed, almost fearful at the intensity and certainty that his prisoner had spoken.

"Vulcan's cannot lie." Spock said, the faintest hint of frightening grin at the edge of his lips.

"You will not kill me, Vulcan!You will be dead long before you get the chance," He hissed. The alien's clawed hands clenched together and his eyes narrowed. He had taken a deep breath, about to threaten his prisoner once again, but hesitated when the lights flickered and suddenly cut out.

POWER SYSTEMS FAILING, an automated voice announced.

The heavy darkness lasted for only a few seconds before a dim green light begin to fill the room.






The alien turned to Spock, his long narrow teeth rattling together as he hissed. "What have you done?"

"I planted a virus within your city's rudimentary computer mainframe and removed what little power you thought you had."

Sidian roared with anger, storming across the room. At the door he stopped and turned, pointing a clawed finger at the Vulcan. "You will not destroy me! Not like this!" He shrieked, exiting the room.

 "You will not destroy me! Not like this!" He shrieked, exiting the room

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