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Paul pov
I continued to bounce  a now calm Bella, so what's the plan of action to get us set up? I asked.
Well, it about 1 o clock now so how about we divide and occur? Jake you go  pack explain everything to your dad while Paul and I plus Bella go shopping then in about two hours you and Paul switch, then we will meet up together and finish?  Sam spoke.
   Okay they said together
Let's go Sam said walking out.
Bye bells see you in a bit.
Bella nodded has I followed Sam out with her.
Making it out to the and tried to set Bella in the back seat.
No paulie she cried and tears Waled up in her eyes

Okay shh I am right here I know it hurts huh?

She nodded

Wait what hurts?

Jakes not here remember how you felt before you sealed the imprint that's how she feels but she's only six and doesn't know that.
Crap he kick door and Bella start to cry full out.
Paul watch her I'll be back
Sam pov
I was mad at myself how did I not remember how painful it was to be way from your imprint when imprinting first happens. I made it to Jacob's in record Time and started banging on the door until Jake finally answered

Sam what is it only been ten minutes

I'll explain later how far did you get explaining to your dad?

Just that I had imprinted

Okay I'll explain to him you go pack you have five minutes go.
He was clearly confused but didn't question me.
Sam what's going on?

Hey billy I had given Jake Two hours to explain but something changed has you know I had a baby sister that was thought dead yes until yesterday. That little girl that Jake has talked so about is my sister and his and Paul's imprint. Has you know it hurts be away from your imprint but we normally deal with it we at adults and teenagers well she's only six and right now is in my car crying so we have to go Jake is moving in with me and I hope that this is alright with you.
What Jake said.

You herd me Bella is in my car crying right now.

Dad please say your okay with this so I can go Jake asked looking pained.

Yes go get back to your imprint bring her over tomorrow and we will talk more...

Sam's baby sisterWhere stories live. Discover now