Painful conclusions

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She would be turning six today. My sweet little sister and I don't know what hurt more that realization or the fact she was not here with me or the fact she never would be again. My father was horrible drug he hit me everyday. but that's not the point she would be six and for the last three years my pack and my imprint have no idea why because it's to painful to talk about.

Oh no it's that day again Paul said walking through my back door.

Shut up Paul I sighed

Seriously though sam why are you so sad on this day? Jared my best friend asked. Just then there was a knock on the door. Told that thought I said answering the, there stood a man I had never seen.
How may I help you?
Are you sam uley?
Yes sir that's me.
Does the name Isabella Marie uley mean anything to you?
Yes sir, she is my baby sister but if you don't mind asking why are you here?

To release her in to your custody.
Wait, bella is alive?
Yes sir, you were told other wise?
Yes my father told me she was dead.
That explains a lot sir we have been looking for her family for three years now.
Can I see her please she means the world to me.
Yes sir I will be right back...

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