The Two Little Lights - Shin (Amnesia, AU)

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A/N: Got this idea when I saw a picture on Facebook (A picture from Clannad: After Story) *SPOILER ALERT* A pic when Nagisa dies with that disease and soon their daughter in her father's arms when they were on their way to the train station, it said: 'It's more painful to watch them die in front of you and all you can do is to cry.'. Anyway, I picked Shin because he seemed more...fitting for this story, anyway, enjoy ~


Third P.O.V

If it was something Shin had in his life, was Y/N and Y/D/N, they were the light of his life, they were always there for him, no matter what happened. But sadly, Y/N had an illness that couldn't be cured, Shin went to hospital to hospital, but no avail, there was no way to save the one of the lights in his life. Shin sat now currently in the hospital room there his beloved Y/N was, she looked paler, her E/C losing it's shining effect and her heart started to beat slower, she stared at Shin with fear in her eyes and hugged his hand tightly, not wanting to die and not wanting to leave the one she fell for. The male smiled sadly while trying to cheering her up, hoping she wasn't going to die now, it was so many things they could have done. They promised each other when they got married they will grow old and watch their grandchildren play, but sometimes, some happy stories don't have happy endings. It was impossible for Shin to accept the fact they couldn't cure Y/N's illness, he stared at the machine which made her weak heart beat, he looked down at the only love of his life, he wasn't ready for this, their young daughter, Y/D/N, stood at the side, watching her parents sharing some tears filled with hurt and sorrow, she hugged onto her dad's jacket and watched her mother slowly whisper the last words Shin would ever hear.

"I love you and always will...I there for you..." She whispered into his ear before kissing him and laid back on the bed, smiling sadly as she closed her eyes, awaiting for the signal to show a sign, a sign which meant she was gone from the world. Shin stared at the peeping machine, his love, his light, gone from the world, bucket of tears started to fall as he picked up his daughter and started to cry deeply while his daughter stared at her mother's lifeless body.

Time Skip

Y/D/N wanted to go traveling with her father, but he locked himself in, not wanting to move from his room, he recently got to know his only light now got also the same disease that killed Y/N. He couldn't accept the fact, his precious daughter could die at any moment, he frowned deeply before standing up and walked out, seeing his beloved daughter and tried to smile, but was unable to, suddenly, he broke into tears when she hugged his legs, wanting to comfort him like she usually did when he was sad or troubled.

"Dad, I want to travel to Hokkaido." She spoke, looking up at her sobbing dad, Shin rubbed his eyes, smiling lightly and sighed, picking her up from the ground and kissed on her nose, worrying about her state.

"Honey, are you sure?" She nodded while giggling and hugged her dad, wrapping her arms around his neck, Shin stared at the mirror in front of him, the only light of his life was now hugging him, he didn't want to let her go, ever.

Shin and Y/D/N walked down to the train station, holding onto his suitcase and stared at the snowy street, seeming to be deep in thought, Y/D/N looked up at her troubled dad and reached up her hand to touch his, but started to cough violently and fell down onto the ground, Shin reacted quickly as he kneeled down and hugged his daughter, tears falling down, no, this wasn't the right time, they should go and travel the world, not this. She looked up at her dad, smiling sadly while coughing and hugged his jacket, trying to smile.

"Dad, don't worry, I will be joining mother ~" She giggled lightly as she kept coughing and hid her face into his jacket, Shin just stared into thin air as tears started to fall from his purple-red eyes, her giggle, her laughter, her smile, was slipping away from his arms and he couldn't do anything about it, he reached down and kissed on her cold forehead.

"I know, sweetheart, I know..." He spoke while looking at her small form, the last thing he ever saw from his girl, was that beautiful smile she gained from her mother before she closed her eyes, laying onto his chest and stopped breathing.

Time Skip

Toma, Ikki, Kent and Ukyo stood by the graves, looking at their lonely friend, Toma frowned deeply as he sighed and nodded at the side before walking away with the others, leaving Shin by the graves. The male stared down at the two graves, laughing sadly and closed his eyes, sighing before placing down their favorite flowers on their graves.

"The world is cruel, but yet so beautiful, you were the two little lights in my life."

I take requests, but check on "TheOneOfSeven" on MyAnimeList before you request, if you want more, please, be an angel and leave a comment below, thank you and take care <3 ~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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