Chapter 2:Much Worse

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Date: June 30,2016

Quinn's POV

The orphanage was anything but what the police officers told me it would be. They said it'd be a nice safe place where the people took care of me,fed me,and made sure I was safe. It wasn't. I've only been here for a month and I haven't eaten a solid thing. The only thing they gave me to eat was a glass of water and an apple, while all the other kids got full sized meals.  I asked this girl who shared a room with me and she said it was because I was new. But this kid who got here yesterday was eaten with them. I'm a very quiet child, me being only five years old, and because of this for some reason these girls think it's ok to hurt me and pick on my and call me names. I never did anything. All I did was say "hi". Maybe saying Ello is considered a swear word here because every person I've said ello to,gives me a mean look. I don't mean to do anything wrong. That's just how I say hello. I've been to four orphanages and they've been nice to me completely. The owner,Mrs.Sunshine,is horrible. Don't let her name mislead you. She is horrible. When I first showed her my whip markings on my back,she just whipped me again then poured alcohol in all of the cuts. It really really hurt. Today I was sitting in my room,waiting for my food but it never came so I went to sleep.
****the next day******

I woke up and got dressed. No one ever bothers to check on me but today I heard someone saying something about me,and I got curious...well as curious as a five year old could get. I heard them saying something about "This Direction" or something. I walked down to the main room to see a group of boys looking at some of the girls. They were really scary look but me being abused before I guess everything about them would be scary. I walked over to the corner and stood with my head down.

(Zayn's POV)
The lads and I were at the Sunshine orphanage looking for a child because Simon says we need to be more mature. I think I'm the only mature one in one direction besides Liam. We were looking at all of the girls and we decided on this little girl named Sarah. Well we did until this little girl came walking down the stairs. She had her hair laid down but it was still puffy. She was African American and was wearing a white and blue summer dress with white heels. She was also wearing black glasses that looked like mine. I decided to go talk to her while the other lads talked to the other girls.
"Hi I'm Zayn what's your name,sweetie?" I asked her.
She slowly looked up and me.
"My names Quinn Samuels. I'm five years old." She said holding up four fingers. I chuckled at her cuteness. I looked at her face closely and noticed she had bruises everywhere.
"Quinn who hurts you?" I asked her.
"Mrs.Sunshine and the other girls." She said quietly. I almost cried. These people are abusing Quinn. I I need to save her.
"I'm so sorry honey. Can you wait a second? I'll be right back." I told her. She nodded and I walked back to the boys.
"I think we should adopt Quinn. She's that little girl over there. She told me that the owner and the girls abuse her." I told them.
"I'm ok with whoever we pick!" Niall said and the rest of the boys agreed. I walked back over to Quinn.
"Quinn?" I said. She looked disappointed.
"I understand that you don't want me. It's ok. Goodbye Zayn." She said hugging me.
"Sweetheart! We aren't leaving with out you. We're going to adopt you." I told her. She let go of me. "Y-You are?" She asked. She sounded happy yet terrified.
I just nodded. She ran upstairs to get her things while we started walking to the office to get her papers signed. We weren't halfway to the office when we heard crying. I turned around to see Mrs. Sunshine shove Quinn to the ground.
"What are you doing to her?!" I shouted at Mrs. Sunshine. She just turned towards me and smirked.
"What's it matter to you it's not like anybody wants her" she said.
"Well we want her." I said. Mrs. Sunshine stood there shocked for a few seconds then walked into her office. I signed the papers as her legal guardian.
I walked over to Quinn and she wrapped her arms around me Sami I could pick her up. I carried her while the boys carried her things. We all got in the car and I sat in the back with Quinn and quietly sang in her ear as she fell asleep. However before she fell asleep I heard four words that could melt my heart.

"I love you daddy."

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