Chapter 6: The zoo

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Date: August 8,2016

Louis' POV

Today was the day. I was going to make Quinn love me even more by taking her to the St.Louis Zoo. I just finished getting her dressed. Zayn is going to be so surprised.  I dressed her in black high waisted shorts, a white undershirt, and a red darkshade flannel, and then paired it with some nice white Converse shoes,and a black hat with a small bow. Sometimes I think I was destined to be a stylist because I was on a roll with this outfit. I gave Quinn her glasses and I was done.
"Are you ready to leave?" I asked her. She smiled at me.
"Yeah I am! I can't wait for Daddy to see my clothes! Thanks Louis." She said,jumping with joy.
I held my hand out for her,and she put her small hand in mine as I led her down the stairs. Right when I got to the last stair, I heard Zayn's voice.
"Quinn you look so cute, love!" Quinn let go of my hand,and went over to Zayn giving him a big hug.
"Thank you Daddy. Uncle Louis did it." She said spinning around in a circle,showing everyone her outfit. I checked my watch and it was almost noon.
"Quinn are you ready to go?" I asked her. She grabbed my hand.
"Yes Uncle Lou! Let's go." She said pulling my arm.
I told Zayn we would be back by 3 o'clock,and then we left.

-Skip Car Ride-

Quinn and I were walking around the zoo,trying to figure out where the elephants were. I didn't think to grab a map so we were just wandering aimlessly. I kept feeling Quinn pulling on my arm and finally decided to ask her why.
"Lou the sign tells you where to go". I looked up and she was surprisingly right. They had different signs for the different animals and we were going the wrong way.
"How did you know that?" I asked her.
"It's  not hard. I may be pretty young but I can read." She said sassily. I'm rubbing off on her. I Love it.
When we got close to the elephants, I covered her eyes so she couldn't see them.
"Do you know what animal we came to see?" I asked her.
"Um not really...Lion?" She guessed.
"Nope." I said uncovering her eyes. Her jaw dropped when she saw the elephants.
"I LOVE ELEPHANTS!" She exclaimed,jumping up and down with excitement.
After spending an hour with her just staring at the elephants with wide eyes, I took her to the giftshop and bought her a huge stuffed elephant. It only cost me oh maybe $150 but the look on her face was priceless.

I didn't know why but on the way back to the car to go home, I couldn't help but get the feeling that we were being watched and not because of the fact that we had a 5 foot stuffed elephant

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I didn't know why but on the way back to the car to go home, I couldn't help but get the feeling that we were being watched and not because of the fact that we had a 5 foot stuffed elephant.
I put Quinn in her car seat and drove home. All the way home, there was a Gray Range Rover following us. I just shook it off and drove a little faster. When I got to the house I tried to use the garage door opener to open the door, but it wouldn't open so I had to open it manually. I got out of the car and started putting the door up. As I was however, I heard Quinn screaming. I turned around and some masked stranger was trying to pull her out of her carseat. When I started running towards the man, he just took off. I went over to Quinn to check to see if she was alright. She was shaking.
"Are you ok, Quinn?" I asked her, while also trying to soothe her.
"It w-was h-him." She  stuttered.
"Who was it?"

-Hey babes! I will update another chapter in about an hour or so. I'm on spring break so I have alot of free time to type. Love you babes😘

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