Chapter 5: His Love

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Date: August 7,2016

(Zayn's POV)

After hearing what Quinn said a week ago, I realized that if she got to know the lads more, she wouldn't be so afraid of them, especially Liam. So this morning at 11:00 when Quinn was still sleeping in her bed, I had a talk with boys.

"Zayn,  Why are we up this early?" Niall yawned.

"Niall, it's like 11:00" Liam said. Niall rolled his eyes and stretched.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" Louis asked.

"Well last week when I was playing with Quinn, she happened to tell me that her old foster father would hurt her and that he coincidently looked like Liam." I said motioning to Liam.

"Well what do you want us to do about it?" Niall groaned. Louis got out of his seat and shoved Niall out of his chair,t hen went back to his own chair and sat down. Niall looked at him appalled.

"What'd you do dat for?!" he asked, his Irish accent becoming thick as he was clearly aggravated.

"Don't be such an arse, Niall." Louis said,with a smirk knowing that he just pissed off his band mate.

"So I'm thinking that we each take a day out of the week and spend time with Quinn. Like today,Liam is taking her to the fair." I said.
Louis looked sad and confused.
"Wait. How come Liam gets to take her to the fair?! That's where I was gonna take her." He pouted.

"Well find somewhere else to go." Liam said. I remember having this talk with Liam. He picked the fair because he wanted to get Quinn to like him and she loves rides and games. I feel bad for the lad. He never did anything wrong and this little girl is terrified of him because of the monster she lived with before.
Louis eventually gave up the fight of taking Quinn to the fair and left the topic as it was. I wondered when Quinn with wake up.

(Louis POV)
I got up out of my seat and decided to go see if Quinn was awake. I walked into her room to see her jumping up and down on the bed,laughing. I smiled and walked over to her bedside.
"Morning baby carrot." I said.
"Morning Lou!" She giggled.
I decided now that she was calmed down, I would ask her some questions about what she liked to do for fun.
"Quinn,whats your favorite animal?" I asked her. She stopped jumping and placed her hand on her chin,as if she was thinking deeply.
"Umm... Elephant!" She said.
"Ok. Where have you always wanted to go?" I asked.
"The zoo. I've heard some of the girls at the orphanage talking about the zoo a lot." She said,then began jumping again when I didn't say anything else.
Maybe that's where I'll take her. The zoo! There's a zoo close by here called the St.Louis Zoo. That's so sweet of them to name a zoo after me. I smiled at the thought and start to walk towards the door when I feel a little hand pull on mine. I look down to see Quinn staring at me with a frown on her face.
"Will he hurt me?" She asked. A tear rolled down her face. I knelt down to her and wiped away the tear.
"Who?" I asked her.
"Liam. Will he hurt me like my old daddy?" She asked,h er voice cracking when she said 'daddy'. My heart almost broke.
"Oh sweetie. Liam is nothing like your old daddy. Liam is a softie. He loves you very much." I told her,while giving her a hug.
"Are you sure,Lou?" She asked.
"Positive." I said smiling down at her. "Now how about you go downstairs and give Liam a hug?" I suggested.
She hesitantly nodded and started down the stairs,me following close behind.

(Liam's POV)
I was standing by the counter getting ready to make myself a sandwich when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I looked down to see Quinn hugging me. I was shocked. I thought she was terrified of me. I looked up and locked eyes with Louis. He smiled and walked away.
"I love you Liam." Quinn said.

I think she'll get used to me. I hope.

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