There's nothing you can do.

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Kawaii-Chan stayed home on the roof the rest of the day while Michi forced Zane to show her around she seemed to be hooked to him like a hook on a fish.

Kawaii-Chan sighed as she sat in the pool frowning at her pruned fingerprints and closed her eyes. Jumping when someone tapped her shoulder.

She turned to see Michi who was in a purple bikini. Kawaii-Chan smiled"Hey Michi-Chan you can join Kawaii-Chan"

Michi nodded and got into the pool and smirked " Kawaii-Chan I've seen how you look at Zane... You need to stop."

Kawaii-Chan looked at Michi surprised"W-what do you mean Michi-Chan!"

Michi smirked " Zane and I bonded today I am gonna make him mine. He already Likes me plenty. "

Kawaii-Chan stopped"K-Kawaii~Chan only Likes Z-zane~Kun a little..."

Michi smirked and stood " Good cause there's nothing you can do to keep me from getting him." She said then walked away.

Kawaii-Chan watched then looked at her lap " Oh no... Kawaii-Chan is going to be lonely again...."

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