Chapter Two

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"Finally!", Tim sighed as he stepped out of the employee's exit. Breathing the fresh, cool air in, he grabbed his pack of smokes and his lighter out of his pocket. The black hair tangled, the forehead and back sweaty, those brown eyes with those almost characteristic bags under them.. Tim looked exhausted. Tired.
Sighing, he thought about how much he disliked this job. "But sadly,", he grumbled to himself, "it's the only job I could get right now.", his cigarette between his teeth, lighting it, he sucked on it. Instantly more relaxed than just seconds before, Tim walked up to his car and just noticed how dark it got. 'Strange.'

Suddenly something bashed him hard on the back of his head, making him stumble over and kiss the ground. He felt the throbbing pain and turned quickly on his back to see who the hell did that.
.. And got almost an heart attack. Well, maybe he shouldn't have done that.

The dark silhouette stood in front of him while holding something in its hand, a baseball bat or something; it was too dark for Tim to recognize it.
'This can't be.', Tim simply stated, some of the voices agreed, some didn't, 'This can't fucking be.'
But there he was, grinning like the bastard he was, looking down at Tim with hatred, such a strong hatred. This wasn't a hallucination. Tim knew.
Standing above him was nobody else than this god damn motherfucker, Alex Kralie.

He looked exactly like the last time Tim's seen him; The day Alex died. The day Tim killed him.
He still wore the same, brownish t-shirt, the same dark jeans, hell, probably even the same undergarments. Unfortunately, one thing stayed the same, too.

On the right side of Alex' neck was still the slash he got by Tim. The sight of this wound made Tim sick, sicker than Alex already did by himself. The blood was dried, splattered all over Alex' clothing, arms, neck and even some of his hair. He shuddered at those horrible, yet somehow satisfying memories.

"What?!", Alex suddenly barked, "Can't you bear the sight of what you did?! Everyone's gone, because of you!", Tim winced. Thousands of answers rushed through his brain; 'that's not true!', it was. 'It's not my fault!', but mostly. 'Go to hell, Alex.', well, that sounds good.
But Tim couldn't say a word. His throat wouldn't make any vocals, and even if, his tongue wouldn't form them. Maybe it was because of the hit he got, maybe it was from the shock, maybe, maybe, maybe. He didn't know. All he knew was that he wasn't able to do anything at all.

Alex just stared down at Tim, his eyes full of hate. He wasn't sure why, but something just reminded him on Amy - his perfect, wonderful Amy.. Gone.
His heart ached as he realized it again, again, again. She was gone. Forever.. Alex screamed.
He screamed out of pain, out of fear, out of sadness.. It hurt. It hurt so much.
'His fault.. It's all Tim's fault.'

"Hey! What are you doing there!", somebody behind Alex shouted. He turned around, only to see a group of six marines walking towards them. Fuck.
Without paying Tim any last attention, Alex started to run. He ran like hell, which made his lungs burn, but when he saw back, two of them were following him. "Where the hell are you?!", Alex screamed. He panicked. If he got caught.. He was dead. He knew this.
So Alex sped up, ran faster, but the two marines were closer when he looked back the next time. He turned around again, scared of what would happen if they got him, only to run, just in this moment, into a tree. There was no street anymore. It was gone. Instead, he was in the woods again. Panting heavily, he leaned on a tree, taking deep breathes. 'Well', he thought relieved, 'fucking lucky me.'


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