Chapter Three

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It's been luck for Tim that those marines where there and helped him - while one of them called the ambulance, the others afforded first aid to Tim, who got a laceration and probably a concussion, too.

And he did. So Tim had to stay overnight at the hospital - he hated it. - and got off work for a week. The laceration had to get stitched.

When he finally arrived home the next morning, the first thing he did was sitting down on a kitchen chair and just thinking about what happened.
How was this possible? He killed Alex - how could he still be alive?!
'Maybe he tricked you? ~', one of the voices giggled. "No.", he growled. Alex' injuries had been deadly. It was impossible for him to survive!
'Somehow he seemed to manage, didn't he?', another laughed. Tim ignored it. However.. Alex' wound looked still fresh and new, like he just got it. Although by this time it should be healed, a nasty scar, but healed.
'Oww, lil' Timmy hallucinating again?', another voice mocked, though it was probably right. He probably just imagined it and fell.

It was the day Tim had to go back to work again. The moment before he went out the door, one of the voices advised him to take a pocket knife with him. He wasn't exactly sure why, but he did. And to say that he wasn't grateful for it when Alex attacked him later that day again was an understatement.

'So, Alex is still alive? I didn't hallucinated it! But how?', Tim thought later, laying on his couch in the living room. Suddenly something flashed through his mind, remembering him of something he noticed on Alex.
Earlier, when Tim got attacked by him again, he saw something red on Alex' arm. He was sure it wasn't a cut, it rather looked like it was burnt into his flesh. He didn't remember how it exactly looked, but all he knew was that it looked somehow like a turned "L".. But honestly, he wasn't sure.
Maybe Google knew something?
So he started to do a research.

It was once Tim thought he finally found anything helpful after three hours of nothing. Reading about voodoo, finding something about Star Wars - how he got there is unknown, even to him. - and endless other things.
It maybe happened because he got kinda desperate due to finding absolutely nothing. It maybe also happened because he was bored and tired. But somehow he found a trace:
In some fan forum for "Supernatural", he found somebody talking about a mark looking similar to the one Alex had.
He didn't even got to the middle of their post when he suddenly heard a way too familiar static filling his ears and saw it again, suddenly standing just a few feet in front of him.

Tim panicked and got up to take his pills, but failed. His head was booming, his brain distorted, like his thoughts were, and full of static. As soon as he stood, his sight became first blurry - he ran nevertheless -, then black, and he fell on the floor of his hallway.

Some hours later, when Tim woke up on his couch, he couldn't remember what happened right before he fell unconscious.
'Probably from the concussion..', he thought, groaning as his head hurt. He stood up, trembling, and walked unsteady into his bathroom where he first thought he'd have to throw up, but didn't. So he just took his pills before he finally went to bed and laid down, tired, but unable to sleep.

Something totally unknown to him was the person watching him from the hotel across his apartment.

"Messages Everywhere"
"Signs Everywhere"

"You Will Never Be Free"

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