Chapter 12: Snap

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Lenny's POV
I smiled, not a smile you would make if you found a unicorn or your dad bought you a brand new car. No, not a smile close to that at all. This smile filled with something? But what was that something exactly?

"Marion right?" I asked smiling and he looked at his phone.

"Uh yeah, I'm sor-" he began to say.

"Answer it." I said and he sighed answering it.

"Hey." he said smiling slightly then his smile quickly faded.

"Now?" he asked and I don't know what happened.

But something broke. My bottle. It's like I just

"Your leaving, aren't you?" each word I said in a time I never used with Van before.

And somehow I knew

it wouldn't be the last.

His eyes widen and he looked down. I slanted my eyes. Outside my walls seem fine but inside there's a flood.

"Leave, just go." I said as ny voice rose he looked up at me quickly.

"I-I Marion I'll call you back." he said but then he sighed.

Jelousy raging. Notice me. Notice my feelings. Why are you so dense? Damn it Van.

Notice me

"You have to go....So go." I said hearing my voice waver.

"Len...." he said frowning and before I knew it I stood up and was heading to the door.

"Len!" he called after me.

I pushed the doors open and cold air hit my face. I walked out and started heading to my car. It was like the wind was my feelings. Cold and wet like the tears that wanted to spill. And raging through the trees.

"Len!" I heard him yell then my arm was tugged.

I pulled my arm away and turned to face him. I opened my mouth to speak but I felt something wet fall on my head. I looked up and the sky was gray. The clouds looked dark.

The clouds shaded your heart. All the words you don't want to say comes out. All the words you want to say blocked.

"Just go with your damn wife." I said and he just stared at me for a while.

" until I figure out what's wrong." he said and I laughed making him frown.

"What's wrong? What's wrong is that everytime I try to spend time with you, you have to leave!" I yelled.

"You left." he said then his eyes widen.

I...guess he didn't realize he said it.

I smiled. "So this is how you felt all along." I said turning my back to him and I walked.

"Len I'm sorry." he said following me and I picked up the pace.

Dramatic, sensitive, selfish, and so much more.

That's what I am.

"Len please." he said and I picked up my pace more. When I felt him close I ran.

Please wolf don't eat me.... I ran and ran all my life so I wouldn't get caught don't eat me now. Please I'm about to drown....I rather drown then get caught. So please....Please don't eat me.

"Len stop." he said and my arm was grabbed and I struggled but his grip was good and tight.

"I didn't mean it.... I swear." he said and I struggled more.

Running is what I was made to do. I'm the Gingerbread man. So wolf why eat me? You have so many other things you could eat.

" to me." he said and I felt his grip loosen. I wiggled my arm away.

Stop running...And face it.

I turned to face him but....


I am a teapot short and spout;
This is my handle
And this my spout
When the dam breaks and the water tries to flow
Hold it too long the water boils
Hear me shout

"I hate you." I said glaring.


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