Gossip Girls

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I probably have someone reading this who thinks it is about gossips girls - but it's not (Sorry to disappoint).

Since this is sort of my first rant, I apologise if this gets confusing.

So I'm 17 years old. I'm trying to focus on school at the moment with my exams coming up within a week and I've been studying like the mad hatter until I can't take any more information. I like to do well at school but it really annoys me that even though I focus on my studies I still get classified as a bitch in my own friend group.


Well, I don't know. Everyone talks about someone behind their back but what is a bitch really? I hate it when I try so hard to be nice and I still get called a bitch. I shouldn't let what other people think get in the way but it's super annoying when I try so hard to keep friends that call me that anyway. And if I'm friends with a classified "bitch" then that makes me one too? What a joke! If that person isn't a bitch to me then why should I be called one too?

I looked up the definition: it's to make critically spiteful (mean) comments.

Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion but when it's to purposely hurt someone I think that's bitchy. I know I can't speak for myself but I don't think I make unnecessary critical mean comments often. And if you are the person who tells your friend that another person said something bad about her then maybe you shouldn't be friends with the person who is doing that "favour". Hearing bad things about yourself isn't particularly a great way to start the morning. If you don't like that person - fine. But maybe I want to. Maybe I see something that everyone else doesn't. Just because she says "I don't like her hair" doesn't make her a bitch.

I don't really know where that was going... I sort of want to write something about it but on a separate note about this topic.

I hate it when being secretive and private makes you a bitch. I'm an introvert - I don't say everything that comes to my head because I'm quite self-conscious - but when someone says "I hate you" then it can be taken as a joke but say it to one person who spreads it around then you become the biggest bitch.

I think that people just need to grow up. I hate the politics of school but I also have some really great friends who are nice to me and lately I've even become closer to a friend that things didn't go too well with in the past. But it's true that you only need two or three friends who you can trust.

Next time you think Or call someone a bitch, just think about it. What makes them that? Maybe just think it to yourself without telling everyone else because one word can turn into a thousand knives. Don't even say it as a joke - I know how that feels. Being called a bitch isn't nice and I try not to label someone that. Gossip all you want but once a person tells the person being gossipped about what is happening - that person is nasty. Some things are best left unsaid.

So, I think that's over. I sort of don't have much else to say. It felt good to get that out so yeah...

Softie out!

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