Chapter 29/Some one teaches Dante manners(good luck on that one)

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Photo Chalet. Video quadraped robot like Splat.

AN/  We wanted to Celebrate 1 year since Cyborg's pet first release, hence this chapter! 

/Earth/Europe/Switzerland/Redrock Chalet hotel/Balcony Lounge area 8:50 

That evening we ended up covered in aches and bruises happily partying in a chalet house on a deck over looking the fantastic mountain landscape. The get together had brought more party goers desperately seeking company from all over the planet. Lucy turned up with Binks, I ended up looking out of the late evening on the slowly cooling balcony with George, Leo, Lucy, the man I only knew as 'Smith' and Smith's friend called Jason. I noticed George kept looking at Smith when he wasn't noticing. He was a handsome if very lean boy and so cool you set your could clock by his five o'clock shadow. Do they have earth schools for that? Seems weird that you can learn astromechanics and how to program a 3D printer but they can't teach you how to be cool. I guess if they could, you would meet people at parties one says 'oh what are you studying?' and the other says 'Me? I'm studying Coolness, I'm going to do a Phd in it one day and go on to do cool research'. So the first person says 'are you being hip now?' and the second person goes 'no I'm on break' and the first one goes 'sorry I thought you were being Malcolm X' . I guess in the end you would have people having to set exams on cool, but you could going into a book shop and by a text book on how to be cool. I wonder how big that text book would be? Would it have illustrations. It was quite so Yeah my mind runs like that. 

Dante passed by with a blonde in a sarong on his arm.

"You staying here for long?" I said making random conversation to Smith.

He nodded "I feIl love this time of year, lets you get back to nature reconnect to your roots with mother earth, life form" Smith said sipping on a Martini cocktail. "It's all about the simple things in life. You know. Like this music it's just a human voice."

I listened out and caught the music being played in the air. 

"It's Billy Holiday" I said recognising the music my dad would play when he was trying to design a particularly difficult dome.

"I love his music" said Smith.

"Yeah .. me ... to.. err. What are you doing next?" I prodded. George looked like she wanted to say something but couldn't think of anything cool enough. I kept trying to create a space for her.

"I might go out into the mountains backpacking, nothing but you a nature, you know"

"You know George likes backpacking" I said. Creating a gap big enough to put a surprised whale into for George. 

George looked at Smith's robot. Smith had a robot which was like a dog with a long arm for a neck called Splat, apparently these robots weren't very good at washing up.

"I thought the fuel cells on those sports robots only last a day" said George nodding at Smith's robot. Geeky but a start for George.

"Yeh, I have an  Asimo for long distance tracking. It's a civil version of the robots the military use. I have a new Lombok one man tent I am aching to try out"

I touched my earring "<zing> Lombok self erecting tents are one of the best tents on the market, they include touch screen fabric, which can display the best picture, it is also capable of heating or cooling the tent in any weather down to -80"

Somebody was really roughing it.

Jason moved and I could see the tattoo on his arm. It had writing in a long hand font.  It said 'without struggle, There is no process' except the word process had been crossed out and the word 'progress' had been tattooed beneath. My dad told me never to get a Tattoo drunk, to this I also added or while you have a cold, or likely to sneeze.

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