B2/Chpter 7/sky cats

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A/N Thanks to everyone who read/voted last week Gravity/The War on the Red planet got to #10 which is lovely reading present. We quickly pulled the sketches together for an extended taster.  To show how improvisational we are we have changed bits of last weeks chapter 6. Have fun RK+Reb.

Abandoned bio-dome FiveDogs ( Mars)

Six months previously I had been shaking a couple of days space-lag off. during that I had got FiveDogs working. Kentro had hacked into the local computer called Caliban. He had convinced it to accept us because the alternative was going back to glacial levels of boredom. From what I could pick up Mars was occupied by robots from Earth. I had decided that this ghost dome would be a good 'base'. I would join the resistance and suggest FiveDogs as a secret hide out. To find the resistance I had to make contact with my buds and just as importantly my parents. Kentro had connected to Caliban to figured out I was an hour's drive to a working if disused hyper loop station. I could go through a mine which might throw them off and thing trying to follow me.

From the hyperloop station I could get practically any were on Mars. It was 20 minutes from FirstFootPrint city. A few days later I had driven to the mine and sneaked in to FirstFootPrint city. ( I hid in a barrel which Kentro put into the hyperloop car). Top of my list was the house of my old friend Catz. My second point of call was my parents. It was nighttime when I got to Catz's parent's house.

I appeared, Catz had freaked out, then, overjoyed, pulled her self together. We were both like toddlers on Christmas day together.  After the initial sugar rush,  she had told me she was going out that night to a secret meeting of our old Markour free running group, the Sky-Cats. Catz told me I had to be careful. Places like the cafes and the streets would be wired and on the lookout for non registered people. So we had used the rooftops like old times to escape the security surveillance systems and parents alike.

I found myself running over the rooftops again. The joy of running together was the wind beneath my wings.  They felt so familiar, it was like I had never been away. The ragged rooftops of the old district passed beneath my feet. I ran sure-footed like some deranged mountain goat.  My toes felt in contact with the cables and pipes running like veins of the city. At intervals, I would see the drops to the street like ten story cracks in the crust .  Catz was so overjoyed to see,  we would exchange glances and kept howling in pleasure. I was finally one again. I had to admit I was a fish and this was my water.  The plus side was all that time on Earth had really pimped out my muscles. Compared to Catz I was this freakish superhuman. The Bow Street Gap, was always difficult, but I now jumped with ease. This felt good. Perhaps the oxygen was low but this was my place and my time. 

Catz had been due to met up with most of the old crew in a local F**K cafe. 

'You wait then make an entrance. This will so freak them out Yakwim?' Catz said. 

 I watched from a local rooftop. I was envious of Catz. She was now 23, more grown-up and looking good, her long carrot coloured hair moved freely when she ran. In theory, I was also 23 if you took the time since my birth. Or I was 19 biological if you deducted all the time I spent as a frozen Turkey. It was weird for both of us.

I was hiding up on the roof of a low building over a patch of the park near the F**K. It was late, there was only one light the basketball to show the court. Shadows leaked every was and I hid motionless in them on the roof. 

"So many of you wondered why I've brought you here tonight" I had heard Catz say as they approached.

"I thought it was a regular meeting, like the one we had last week and the week before that," said FoxbaseFive a tall black guy, with a face like a rocket's nose cone with glasses. I had known him for years. 

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