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Chapter 7:

The morning of Louis' departure was bittersweet. Sweet, because he got to spend the weekend with Harry and things started to go back to normalcy. Bitter, because well, he was leaving to his lonely flat and boring life missing Harry's giggles.

They hugged in front of his car, lingering on for longer than usual and hands pressed firmly to each other. Louis gave him one last, deep kiss, kissing both of his cheeks and giving his hair a gentle tug. He got in his car and backed out of the street, Harry waving after him. Louis tried not to cry as he left the campus, watching Harry's frame getting smaller and smaller. He plugged in his iPhone and played happy tunes so it wouldn't prompt the rush of his tears to fall.

Louis made it all the way to the stop light when he burst into tears. Bruno Mars' Uptown Funk song mocked him from the radio. A car in the back honked at him, speeding around him and passing him in a furry. "Fuck off," Louis yelled, wiping at his cheeks pathetically. He palmed his face and took a deep breath, pressing on the gas pedal.

When he got home, he dragged up the steps inside his flat. He pushed the door open, his overnight bag sagging on his shoulder. He stopped when he saw three pairs of heads crowded around each other on the sofa. He walked up to them, standing in front of them and blocking their view from the television.

"What's going on boys?" Louis asked. Six curious eyes stared at him, their faces washed blue from the screen. "How the hell did you guys get in here?"

Zayn looked up at him, his lips popping open to say, "I still have the spare key."

"Bloody hell. That was years ago from when we were together. Should've changed the lock."

"I'm glad you didn't." Zayn gave him an easy smile, his eyes sparkling. "Is this your way of saying you wanna get back together?"

Liam elbowed him in the ribs, Zayn apologizing breathily and mouthing at his neck for revenge. Louis groaned, his eyes sagging to Niall where he was pressed tightly in the corner, far away from the kissing couple.

"Beer?" Niall offered, sucking a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. His tongue darted out to swipe ice cream off the corner of his mouth. "Ice cream?"

"Yes, please." Louis gave in with a weak smile.

He plopped himself in between Niall and Liam, tugging up the blue blanket up to his chin. Niall passed him a beer and a bowl of half eaten ice cream, getting up to grab some more. Liam cooed and tugged him in for a hug, Niall coming back with a fresh pint of ice cream. He kissed him messily on his cheek and all boys cuddled him closer.

Louis felt like crying, so he did. Niall worried a glance at Zayn, raising his eyebrows questioningly. Zayn simply shrugged, his mouth pinched. Niall held his hand under the blanket, Liam hugging him to his chest and stroking through his hair.

"What's wrong, Lou?" Liam asked softly, petting his hair.

"Everything, Li," Louis cried, tears slipping down his flushed cheeks.

"Aw." Liam rubbed his stomach in slow wide circles, saying nothing more.

Zayn reached around him and dug his spoon in the bowl of ice cream, lifting it to his face. He opened his mouth, Louis mirroring his action, and shoved the spoonful of ice cream in his mouth. He swallowed around the spoon, feeling a bit better already. They fed him ice cream and beer, stroking his hair or murmuring sweet nonsense until Louis fell asleep. Afterwards, they carried him to his bed and Zayn volunteered to cuddle him that night. "He always sleeps better with someone else," Zayn explained, clicking the door shut in Liam's and Niall's worried faces.

This Road Has Been Putting Miles On My HeartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz