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Summer Lovin',
Happened So Fast

Louis' eyes darted between the white lilies and orange marigolds.

"Say, Zayn," Louis' breathy raspy voice filtered through the sunshine filled air. "Which one says, I've fancied you for over two months now and I wanna kiss you silly now?"

Zayn's scuffled shoes stopped mid-step.

Louis tiptoed and eyed Zayn over the endless rows of perfume smelling flowers. He could only make out his gelled, raven black hair. Zayn's slow blinking syrup eyes appeared. He rolled his eyes faux fondly and went back to grazing flower petals with a touch of his fingertip. Louis shrugged and placed the bouquet of marigolds back with the rest of its family. He followed Zayn's heavy walk and thumbed the base of his neck.

"Which roses say, I wanna fuck your brains out tonight?"

Louis cackled. He squeezed the nape of Zayn's neck. Zayn looked at him with shimmering eyes. Louis was glad they were back to normal again. In the two months Louis had ogled a curly haired Cheshire lad in the library behind a wall of books, he had healed completely from his and Zayn's devastating heartbreak. To think he almost fell in love with Zayn's sultry eyes and puckered chapped lips. Plus, Zayn had a conquest of his own. A sweet faced, kind brown eyed puppy look-alike by the name of Liam Payne.

Louis walked up to the counter with the white lilies in hand. His eyes slid up a skinny body and pale skin to a set of thoughtful blue eyes, blonde streaked hair and rosy cheeks. According to the name tag pinned to his flowery blouse, his name was Niall.

"Is that gonna be all?" Niall's cheery voice asked.

"Yes Niall." Louis grinned. "That will be all."

Zayn whistled lowly between his teeth. "Nice place you got here," he hummed while eyeing the rest of the interior of the local flower shop.

The inside was painted a pale yellow, resembled like the color of sunshine with colorful butterflies splattered here and there. The floor was made up of polished hardboard and flower pots hung from the ceilings as well as rested atop shiny wooden bookshelves. The place was quite pretty, with large windows allowing sunshine to filter through.

Niall's eyes snapped up to Zayn's question easily as he scanned the bouquet of Louis' lilies.

"Thanks mate, but it isn't mine. It's mum's. Just taking care after it while she and pops are off to a wedding."

"May I ask why you're not attending?" Zayn asked curiously, his brows pinching together. "Weddings can be fun."

"Are you kidding me?" Niall's eyes positively glowed. His whole face lit up with unsung words. "Free booze, loose girls, and karaoke machines? It's the dream. But sadly, I've been on bad behavior as of late. Mum says I have to stop sleeping with all the bridesmaids if I wanna attend another family wedding ever again."

Louis smiled crookedly. After he handed Niall a few notes, he grabbed the proffered bagged lilies and cocked his head to the left. Niall knocked his knuckles on the smooth surface. Zayn exchanged a glance with Louis and snickered quietly.

"You seem like a right lad. Give me your number. We should hang out sometime."


They exchanged numbers and said their goodbye's. Louis and Zayn stepped out into the sunlight. Zayn shoved his hands into his pockets while Louis thumbed through his missed text messages. Zayn snapped his fingers and rummaged deep into his pockets, digging out what Louis assumed was his pack of cigarettes. He presented a small tin foil packet.

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