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I liiiivvveeee !!! Hiya guys thanks for waiting I feel horrible for not updating!! So enjoy this!!

Authors POV~

Y/n had to work late tonight...again. So that's leaving Mark all alone. But a fantastic idea popped in his mind. After editing was done, he checked his phone, seeing a message from his princesses.

Y/n😘😍: Hey, I'll be home in half an hour! Love you~

He quickly typed an 'okay, love you too princesses' and headed straight for the kitchen.  What is he doing you might ask. Well, he's cooking dinner for his beautiful girlfriend. But, Mark rarely cooks because you always want to, but not this time! After getting the ingredients and cooking utensils and almost hitting his head in the process, he smacks his hands together saying,

"Chefiplier, reporting for duty!"

(*laughs like a child* hehe you said duty!!")

~~time skip~~

You just pulled up on your driveway, letting out a frustrated sigh, hopping out of the car bag in hand. You were exhausted and just wanted to spend time with your loving boyfriend.
Getting close to the door, your noes caught a delightful smell. "Mmm, what smells so good?" You asked yourself, the smell making your tummy speak.

You managed to reach and open the door, throwing your bag in a random place. Taking note that the smell gets stronger as you near the kitchen. "Hmm, what's going on?" You thought.
As you entered the dining room, the table was beautifully decorated with [favourite food], with three lit candles in the centre with [favourite drinks] by plates. You gasp at the beautiful sight. What was even more beautiful, is that you knew Mark went through all this trouble to make you happy. Oh how you loved this man.

By your surprise, you felt two strong arms wrapped loosely around your waist and a head nuzzling into your neck. Knowing it was Mark you relaxed a bit, still schooled at the sight in front of you.

"Babe? Did you go through all that trouble for me?"

"Of corse baby. Anything for you," his voice was real raspy and deep, sending shives though your body.

"Now, let's eat. And I wanna hear all about your day!" He says letting go of you, pulling out a chair for you to sit on. 

"Thank you Mark. This is very, very thoughtful of you" you say barely a whisper. Mark kissed the top of your head, feeling him smile in the process.

"Like I said, anything for you", taking a seat himself, he grapes his cutlery and smiles from ear to ear.

"Now, tell me about your day".

~~time skip~~ (sorry)

After that amazing dinner and talking about your crappy day, you took a shower and laid in bed with Mark playing with your hair. Making you fall asleep quicker. Just before you were about to enter dream land, Mark whispered you something.

"I love you Y/n".

With eyes still shut, you mumbled out,

"I love you too".


Guys it's so late at night and I can nearly keep my eyes open. But I can't stop think about undertale!!! That game drives me insane!!

Sans: in the membrane~ *winks*

Aby: *laughs* hahaha- wait- HOW DID YOU GET INTO REALITY???

Sans: I really I have no idea...*holds a mushroom* but I am a fungi~

Aby: *chuckles but still confused* where did you get a mush-you know what I'm not in the mood...goodnight sans!

Goodnight everyone!

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