Please say "I do"

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Hiya guys! I'm alive! How y'all doin?

Thank you so so so much for 7k!!

Okie! This was requested by @_Crystal_Plays_

Thank you by the way! :)

So this will play out the reader (which is you! You beautiful person!) is named Crystal. And Mark asks you to marry him. Yepie!

So hope you enjoy it! Let's get to it!


Marks POV~

I am so nervous about today...
My beautiful girlfriend, Crystal, and I have been together for three years now. It's our third year anniversary today for a matter of fact. And I think it's time, to ask her if she wants to stay with me forever.
Crystal's at work at the moment, so it's just me and Chica. But, I can't help think she'll say no.

I sit back in my computer chair, sighing loudly. I rub my face with my hands and just stared at the ceiling.
"Ugh. I'm so stressed...what if she'll say no?...what if she'll just laugh and leave me?"
I say aloud. "...Mark stop being an idiot and think about that stuff".

"Okay...I gotta think....Okay. What does Crystal like? She likes sunsets on beaches...yeah! I'll propose to her on the beach!" Good thinking brain.

I smile brightly, surly she will love this. I grab the black velvet box on my desk. Opening it to her diamond ring. I just stare at it and smile.

"I hope she says yes..."

Crystal's POV~

Ugh! I'm stuck in flumin traffic! It's been an exhausting day. Waiting for the traffic to carry on, I pull out my phone to text my cutie.

Crystal: Hey baby <3 I'm stuck in traffic at the moment. I won't be too long I hope.
Markifart: Hey babe. Awe, that must suck <3 How are you anyway baby?
Crystal: Tired. Had a long day :( How are you?
Markifart: Awe :( my poor baby. Don't worry, Mark will cheer you up!
I'm fine. Can't wait to see your gorgeous face :*

I smile, I love this man. He can always make me smile.

Crystal: Hehe, thx baby. And I can't wait to see your cute face ;) <3
Markifart: *blushing*

I look up at see the cars moving. Dropping the phone in my lap I carried on driving.
A few minutes have passed and I'm already at marks driveway.
Racing to the front door, I kick my shoes off and entered the house.

"MARK! I'm home!" I yelled. I heard loud foot steps, then a thump. I roll my eyes and chuckled. A few seconds later Mark pops into view, holding is left shoulder.

"Haha, I accidentally fell onto the wall" I smile.
I walked up to him and gave him a peck on the lips.

"You okay?"

"Yeah...I am now"

"Mark, you're so cheesey" I giggle.

"But you love me!"

"Am afraid I do"

I place my bag into the dining table, I then felt to strong arms around my waist.

"Go get change into something casual, we're going somewhere"
Seriously? It's 5pm, I just got home and I wanna sleep!

"Ugggggh. Fine"
Mark chuckled and kissed my neck.

I got changed into (favourite outfit). And Mark seemed nervous. But why?

"You look beautiful...come on, let's go".

I smiled and followed him to the car.

Time skiiiiiiiiip to the beeeeeeeaaaaacccccchhhhhh
( Authors POV~)

Mark and Crystal spent a few minutes talking, laughing at stupid jokes, hand in hand.
It's starting to get dark, the sun just hovered over the waters. The sky painted with blue's purple's and pinks.
Both stopped and started at the sunset.

"It's so beautiful.." Crystal states.

This was the perfect opportunity for Mark to propose.
Mark turned himself around to stare at Crystal.

"Sure is..."

Crystal faced Mark with a tint of pink dusted in her cheeks.

"...Crystal. There's.. something I need to ask you". Crystal seemed nervous, but Mark was worse. He gently grabbed Crystal's hands.

"We have been together for three years now. And I wanted to do something special for our three year anniversary..."

Mark falls on one knee, and grabs the black velvet box. Crystal gasps, she brings one hand to cover her mouth. He opens the box, there shinned a beautiful diamond ring.

".....Crystal (L/n)....will you do the honour of becoming my wife?"

Crystal is in tears.

"What d-do you think the answer is!?"
A rush of joy over comes her as she tackles Mark into a hug, marking him fall on his back.
Mark hugs back, with tears running down his face.

"Oh my god! Y-you don't know how happy I am Crystal" Mark mumbles.

Crystal looks at him, "I love you"
Before Mark could answer, she smashes her lips onto his in a sweet passionate kiss.


Everyone they knew was at the wedding. Mark stood there in his tux with pride. Because he new he was marrying the girl of his dreams.
The priest signalled for everyone to stand.
Mark looked down the ile and saw his soon to be wife in a beautiful white elegant dress.

Her hair was (choose hair style). Mark couldn't help but break down in tears. She was so beautiful. Crystal saw Mark and started crying too. Tyler, Marks best man, rubbed his shoulder to calm him down.

Crystal now stood in front of him and smiled so bright. Mark whispers, "You look so beautiful"

"You look so handsome Mark...I'm so happy"

"Me too baby"

Little time skip cause I got lazy :P

"Mark Edward Fischbach, do you take Crystal, to be your wedded wife?"

"I do..." Mark smiles.

"Do you, Crystal (L/n) take Mark to be your wedded husband?"

"I sure do"

"I congratulate you too Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride!"

They kiss passionately, everyone was in tears and cheering.

This is just the beginning of a new adventure

Hiya guys! I hope you like this one!
Over 1000 words! Holy cookie!! Anyway thank you so much for 7k. It means a lot!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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