The party and the drama

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This is what maya looks like⤴️⤴️

Malia's POV

  I wake up sun bright I squint adjusting my eyes to the light I look at the time 11:45 me and maya always sleep late she's face down into the pillow butt up she's a messy sleeping I laugh. "Get up bitch" I yell she groans and looks at me.

"Why" she pouts.

"Because let's go" I say she groans and gets up. We go downstairs. We walk into the kitchen Ian eating cereals and staring at his phone usual. I get out two bowls and milk and we eat cereal.

My mom and dad work all the time so.

"So maya am I aloud to do your makeup for tonight" I ask. Ian's head shoots up.

"Where are you guys going?" He asks.

"A party" I say.

"Why no" he says.

"Don't tell me what I can do" I say.

"Why are you going god who even invited you?" He asks.

"Grayson" I say.

"Grayson Mathews that douche bag" he asks.

"Yes that dick head invited me" I say.

"He's annoying don't talk to him he's a total dick" he says.

"And you aren't it's not like I like him he is annoying he just said I Gould come to the party" I say.

"Why didn't you tell he told you" maya asks.

"I'm sorry" I say she shrugs it off.

"Ugh god" Ian says I roll my eyes.


  It's just an hour till the party and I'm gonna wear my high waisted shorts with my crop top saying 'fuck you, you fucking fuck' with a middle finger pointed out. I put my combat boots and go my makeup a pinky red and eyeliner an my lipstick a pink nude color. Maya's wearing a crop top that's plain back but it sexy it has some mesh parts by the boobs and she's wearing high waisted shorts and booties on. We both have different style I'm not that girly her makeup is a pink color with a light light pink lipstick. We get our bags it's time to go. I leave my hair down and so does she. I get my keys.

"If this party sucks I'm leaving you" I say she laughs and nods we enter my jeep and leave.

We get there I park the car we hop out I sigh and we go up to the crowded house I ear the music. We enter and there's people everywhere the house is big but these people are laughing making out dancing the music is blasting. I turn to my side and mass not there she's on the dance floor with a guy of course that's always maya. I sigh and walk over to where we get the drinks I don't like drinking that much I've done it before but it's not that good.

"Hey princess" I hear an idly familiar voice I turn to see Grayson I just stare at him blankly. "You made it" he says.

"Yeah I did" I say. "Don't call me princess" I say.

"Why you don't like it princess" he says I sigh and roll my eyes.

"No I love it but I'm asking you to stop" I say sarcastically.

"You're very feisty today" he says.

"I know my friend ditched me for the dance floor and you annoy me" I say.

"You didn't seem that annoyed yesterday when I was shirtless" he says.

"Because I like your body better then your mouth talking" I say he puts his hand on his heart.

"Ouch Mal that one hurt" he says. Mal no one calls me Mal.

"Good" I say.

"You know your just rude" he says.

"I know that" I say. "And I don't care" I say.

"Hey look who it is hot and not" Aaron says pointing me then Grayson I laugh Grayson glares at him. I shrug it off.

"So you like him and not me" Grayson says.

"Yes because he's not a dick" I say.

"I'll get to you" he says.

"Yeah ok sure whatever floats your boat" I say to him.

"So would you like to dance" Aaron asks.

"Actually sorry but no" I say he frowns.

"Why?" He asks.

"First I told you I'm not ever gonna like you and second I see some girl looking at you so you can go dance with her" I say pointing to a blonde girl he seems slutty but she's staring at him. He looks.

"Thanks Malia you're the best but I will never will always be on my mind from the day that I met you" he sings I will never forget you by Zara Larson I laugh and shake my head.

"God he's dumb" Grayson says.

"Don't be rude" I say.

"He is though" he says.

"I know but don't be rude" I say he rolls his eyes. I have to pee. I start to walk. "Wait where are you going?" He asks I turn.

"The washroom" I say he nods that was weird. I look for it and someone pushes me up against the wall I adjust my eyes and it's Max Clinton...I fume with anger and tears full my eyes. "Get off" I say pushing him.

"C'mon babe don't be like that" he says.

"No Max get off now" I say tears brimming my eyes.

"Cmon I'm sorry babe I know you still love me" he says I try to push him but he's to strong.

"Leave me alone Max I'm serious ok get off" I say my voice cracking.

"Is the tough strong girl gonna cry" he asks.

"No get off of me you fucking dick" I yell no one here's the musics to loud.

"What did you call me" he says holding my wait I struggle to get out of his grip.

"You hear leave me alone Max" I say angry but still almost crying.

"C'mon babe" he try's kissing me I push him he kisses my neck.

"Leave me like please" I say remembering everything he had done.

"She said fucking leave her alone" I hear a familiar voice and max is off of me on the floor I look it's Grayson.

"Get out I this Mathews" Max says.

"Fuck you Max she said get off and listen to her" he yells people are watching I want to cry because of the memory's I blink it back. Max gets up.

"What are you going to do about it" Max says. Grayson the punches him hard e falls to the floor again he hold his bleeding nose.

"You want to know what else I'm gonna do about it" he says angrily. Max glares at him and me and goes off.

"Thanks Grayson" I say my voice low I don't want to cry.

"It's fine are you ok" he asks.

"Yeah I'm-I'm just gonna go back home" I say.

"Malia what wrong your about to cry tell me" he says.

"It's nothing I'm fine see you at school" I say and walk away I look around for maya she's making out with a guy and that guy is Aaron I smile slightly. I text her.

Me: I'm leaving ask Aaron to drive you

I then get my keys out. But she replies.

Maya:): are you sure?

Me: of course I'll tell you stuff on Monday

Maya: ok

I then leave. As I drive my eyes get cloudy with tears and they fall. Then I get home and I go straight to my room I remove my makeup and put pajamas on and go to bed.

Ok you are probably wondering what happened and you'll see soon not right away Grayson was super sweet though hope you like it.

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