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Malias POV

"Mal do I look good" Maya asks me I look at her and nod.

"Great" I say. It's been 2 more days since the whole thing and I've been crying a lot and I see Grayson everywhere at school. I try to avoid him.

"K you almost ready?" She asks I nod and wants me to come with her I'm just gonna go somewhere else though and watch them.

"You know I'm not sitting with you I'll be somewhere else" I say she nods. I grab my bag. "Let's go" I say and we leave.

We get to the pizzeria and wait then Aaron comes and behind him stands Grayson I freeze. No, no, no, no.

"Hey..." He says.

"Hey...I brought malia because this whole thing was kinda her idea" she replies.

"Yeah I brought Grayson" he replied. I look at her she shrugs.

"well you two go have fun...we aren't sitting with you" I say they nod and go I start walking away.

"It worked" he said I turn and nod.

"Yeah" I say.

It was silent for a minute.

"How's Stacy" I blurt tears again prickle my eyes.

"I told you it wasn't a thing she forced herself on me" he explains. I nod.

"That's why you guys were talking that day" I say he sighs.

"she was trying to talk to me I wouldn't allow it...but you wouldn't know how's mason" he asks.

"What?" I ask confused.

"You guys were kissing so" he says.

"That was nothing" I say blinking back my tears "why are you talking to me ok I don't want to deal with this" I say.

"I never did anything she kissed me...why won't you believe me?" He asks.

"Because...she was always up on you so you might have gave in" I say.

"I didn't I don't like her at all. Just believe me" he says.

"I'm not ready to ok I'm still so broken and sad and mad at you ok so leave me alone.

Grayson's POV

I looks at Ed an all her beautiful features and land on her lips plump lips I want to kiss her so bad. She looks so good but she still hates me.

"Do you really hate me" I ask lowly she looks at me intently.

" can't just stop loving someone" she admits and I release my breath I didn't know I was even holding. "But you hurt me...and I don't know if I can trust you...I really don't" she says and I break a little sounds stupid right but it happens. I gulp.

"I miss you" I mumble. She looks at me.

"Don't" she says. "Don't ok I can't right hurt bad" she says her voice cracking and I just want to kiss her comfort her.

"I know...sorry....I should leave" I say.

"Aren't you here for Aaron?" She asks I nod.

"Right" I say.

Malias POV

I wanna kiss him but I'm so mad at him I just want to hit him. Ugh. "You ruined everything" I mumble to myself.

"I know sorry" he says I guess he heard.

"You ruined me" I add he stands there looking hurt and sad.

"I'm sorry...I didn't even do it can you just believe me" he says I shake my head.

"No I can't not right now at hurt me you so bad...ok each night I've been crying over what happened and it hurts to even looks at you...the worst part is I still love you...and I don't know if you love me or not and it sucks" I say starting to cry. "I just I thought life with you was perfect and you ruined it all you hurt me...I've only told Maya about this because I don't want my brother to be rude to you or beat you up I don't" I say my voice cracking he looks sad. "I love you...and I don't want to especially like this...I just wish this never happened why did you hurt me" I say pushing him he just lets me not doing anything. "you broke my fricken heart...and I want to hurt you too like you hurt me" I say hitting his chest not really hurting him I'm too weak especially right now. "Why did you do that to me....why" I say tears falling now full. "I don't want to be mad at you I don't" I say.

"Then don't and believe me trust me...isn't that what love is trust you kissed mason I was hurt like hell and I didn't care because I thought maybe it was an accident and if you told me it was then I would trust and believe you...because malia I love you so much and I wish I could explain how much but I have no words for it" he said.

"I'm just still mad and not ready so give me my time...and we'll see" I say looking at him he looks hurt and broken but I just turn wiping my tears. And walking away.

Grayson's POV

I can't she just walked away and I just want to yell and scream and punch something. Why is this happening why any she believe me...why is it so hard to believe me...I need her back I love her I want her ugh I just can't deal with this. I walk into the place and sit down waiting for there stupid dinner to be over.

Couple hours later

"Bro wake up" someone pushes me I jolt up and see Aaron I was asleep because a.) I haven't gotten sleep in a while b.) it took them so long. He has a huge grin on his face.

"How'd it go?" I ask getting up we start walking to the car.

"Great I kissed her and she aloud it" he says I nod.

"Good" I reply.

"How about with you and Malia?" He asks.

"It sucked she still doesn't believe me" I say he nods.

"Sorry" he mumbles as we get I tot he car and leave.

Malias POV

She tells me everything then she dropped me off I'm in my room again just starting at the ceiling listening to music and tears falling down my cheeks. I miss him but I'm so mad. I just sit there crying staining my sheets with tears.

Grayson's POV

When I get home I go to my room. I have to get her back and I'm determined to get her back...and I will make a plan...I need to show her she can trust me and I need to kiss those lips again I need her back.

Yes I know I'm updating quickly but I want to get this going I'm on a roll and I'm gonna finish the book soon btw maybe a couple more chapters and a couple can be a lot too so don't worry...thanks for reading.

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