You never been there?

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Malia's POV

I wake up Grayson's arm around me securely.

"Wake up losers" I hear Aaron scream out.

"Shut the fuck up you ruined my sleep" Grayson yells back.

"we need to leave so get up" chase says now.

"Ok shut up" Grayson says.

"Wow what a wonderful group of friends" I say more to myself.

"Yeah I know" he chuckles. I get up and look through me duffle bag for clothes I take out some loose shorts and a t shirt tucked in. He gets out and I change after I get out and he puts the tent back together and packs the things up. We get into the car. It's been now the second say and chase and Grayson are still angry with each other. I sit in the back with Grayson.

"I'm putting my pillow on you" I say to Grayson he nods i lay on him. "Where exactly are we?" I ask.

"Well Grayson didn't tell you we're going to Disney land for a couple nights and then we'll just keep going random places we don't know where we are exactly" chase says.

"If this is a joke I'll hurt you" I say.

"No ones joking" chase says.

"what the fuck we're going to fricken Disney land" I yell getting up and hitting my head on the roof. "Fuck" I say holding it. Grayson laughs.

"Are you ok" he asks laughing.

"Yes I'm fine thanks for laughing at me" I say he laughs more.

"Sorry it's just it's funny how excited you are like you've never been to Disney land" he says. I turn to look at him.

"I haven't Ben to Disney land" I say his face goes serious.

"Ever?" He asks.

"Ever" I say.

"You haven't lived" he says.

"I know my parents are dicks they went with Ian when he was one" I say.

"Ian's a dick no offense" Grayson says.

"I know none taken" I say. "So hats it like" I ask laying back down.

"Have you been on a roller coaster before?" He asks.

"No" I say he sighs shaking his head.

"You are just something" he says. "You'll love it though" he adds.

"I better" I say he plays with my hair. "How long did we drive yesterday?" I ask.

"Yesterday we drive 2 hours" chase says.

"Only" I ask he nods.

"I was annoyed by driving" he says. "We have 2 hours and 30 minutes left till we get there" he says.

"Ok fine I'm think I'm gonna sleep" I say turning to face with Grayson's stomach. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Grayson's POV

Malia fell asleep I leans down onto another pillow and fall asleep too.

Malia's POV

Couple hours later.

"Wake up" I hear chases voice I groan and open my red and Grayson's laying there asleep too. "We're here" he adds.

"Yeah I got that" I say waving him off he looks so peaceful and hot. "Get up gray" I say.


"Get up loser" I say louder.


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