The Reading Continues

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I took the books out from under my pillow and I opened to where I had left off. I was excited to read. She found out dad was actually a prince not a sailor. Ahhh! I kept reading. Omg they walk together to the garden. How cute! The pictures are so detailed. I loved the fact that dad is always being funny. I gasp and sigh. Of course you can be both a sailor and a prince my dad said to my mom. I laughed. I guess I know who I got my sassiness from, my dad. I continue to read. Aww mom why would you think my grandparents forced him to go. It was those stupid walls and it was because you're hurt! There's my dad brightening up her face. Omg he knew there was a spark between them since the beginning! I squealed, I feel like I'm reading a fan-fiction. That's when I gasp. That's probably what this is. I continued to read. I read out loud. "So no I came here out of my own free will my dad said. Oh my mom said. That's good to know she says as she was grabbing the material from her dress. Why are you looking away from me my dad said." I covered my face. Was I actually getting the feels from my parents being all cute with each other? I pick up the book and continued to read out loud. "It's just that I can't said my mom." I put the book down again and I sigh. Ahh mom you're lagging it he loves but you can't you see it. I continued to read. She tries to run away and he grabs her. "Emma I know that you will love me and when you do, it will be because your heart he says as he points at her heart will want mine." I squealed so loud that I'm pretty sure everyone heard her me. I honestly did not care. My father is amazing and cute. I continued to read. What don't run away mom, what the heck? She's stubborn like me. Well she is my mom. I continued to read and I read about how he asked her out but she got kidnapped by her uncle and she met her cousin. Wow mom is really feisty to be a princess. Wow I love my mom she was cool. She could kick butt! Wow Gracie was mad because their grandma named my mom heir and not her, what the heck man. I continued to read. Wow my mom is so nice. I laughed even though she cut her, she made sure Gracie learned her lesson and healed her wound. Oh my gosh that man cut her. No wonder she has so many scars everyone was cutting her. I kept reading. Oh no it's the same captain she fought with before! Oh dad come on where are you? Momma always fighting for what's right, she even saved Gracie from getting hurt. I continued to read. Ahh finally dad gets there. Uh oh she's fighting those pirates. I read when my mom said I love you to Dad. I started to read out loud. "I said I love you to Killian and as I said that our eyes locked and that's when I felt the stab and I felt the life was being sucked out of me then I get hit on the head, my whole life turns black." I gasp. My dad's face on this pic. About time grandpa comes and takes that stupid pirate into custody. There's dad holding moms lifeless body. She's dead. Oh my gosh and I start to cry like crazy. And that's when I hear a knock and I throw the book under the bed and I open the door and it was my dad. "Honey I just..." My dad says as he walks in then looks at me and sits on the bed. "Aqua why are you crying?" I looked at him and all I could see were the tears coming out from when he saw mom dead. "No nothing I was just reading a book and there was a part where my favorite character died and yeah." He gave me a baffled look. "Since when do you read?" Oh crap, that's right I'm not a reader, I never read. "It was for choir, it was a musical book play type thing." He looked at me like he wasn't buying it. "Oh ok, just letting you know we are leaving in 1 hour." He smiled "Thanks dad." He nodded and walked out the door. I quickly got up and locked the door. I went back to my bed and skimmed the book. She was out cold for a long time. Oh thank goodness. Aww he never left her side. Ahh I have to keep reading. I kept skimming and looked at the pictures of their first date, which I thought was super precious. They were engaged here ahh dad asked to marry her. But uh oh they had a fight. He left and mom was just there crying. Uh oh, Mom found out she was pregnant with her first child, wait that's me. Man mom and dad didn't wait. Eww, oh gosh. I was so trying to take away that image of my parents. Anyways ok where's dad? I keep reading nothing oh my gosh and mom of course dealing with her stupid walls. Oh my gosh there she is with him on the ship. They're fighting oh my gosh so much sword fighting I said. Oh my gosh dad. He killed dad and threw him over board and mom jumps in after him. I have so many emotions here, ahh I can't take it. I skim and he doesn't wake up until after a year. I was already born at this time. No he wakes up and doesn't remember her. He runs away. I skim and it's my party! Oh cool I had a ball. Well it's fake but it's still cute. No but where's dad? Aww little me kept feeling him nearby, that's cute. Oh my gosh dads wearing leather. I laughed. I'm pretty sure mom was dying of how handsome he looked. I read and sure enough I was right. No but he didn't remember her. Eww dad what were you doing with that woman. I was mad. I continue to read and of course they would sword fight. Oh my she cut him, so that's the scar he has on his arm. Wow. I love my parents and oh my gosh she hit him on the head. He's back. I skim and it's my mother's coronation ceremony. I put the book down after I looked at the pictures of the ceremony. I've had dreams of this place, seeing a woman being crowned. All these faces seem familiar. How can this be fake if I dreamed it before, I thought they were like false memories. Wait so she is the queen and I'm a princess. This doesn't make any sense. I set the book aside and I start to read the other book. Oh my gosh it's true here are aunt Arie and uncle Jay along with uncle August's formulas and stuff in how they made it work and teleport everyone here. But here it says everyone in their kingdom had memory loss. Their land was destroyed. Oh my gosh. So it's all true, it's not just stories. No it can't be true and my phone goes off. I jumped and nearly fell off the bed. I ignored it and went to take a shower and then changed. I stood in front of the mirror and I was just baffled from everything that I read. I can't believe I'm the daughter of a princess who became a queen and a sailor prince who became a pirate then a king. A queen and a pirate, that is funny. Ha and I thought Disney was bizarre. I hid the books and went downstairs. I noticed mom had packed everything. I was looking for her and when I found her she was sitting on the couch with dad and she was leaning on him. They were both smiling with their eyes closed, holding hands. I smiled and started to cry. After all they went through, here they are but then I was a little angry because they didn't tell me. I knew I never belonged here, I knew I was different but I was a princess, wouldn't you want to tell your daughter that but of course I had to understand their point of view. I mean they left their home and were teleported here by force and knowing they couldn't go back because their home was destroyed is something worth keeping secret.

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