The Picnic

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We get to the park and we set up everything. Everyone started to eat and I just sat there staring at everyone. Ever since I read the book I see all my family different now. I see characters not my family. It's been hard to deal with it especially because I felt I couldn't talk to them about it. And none of my cousins are close to my age so they wouldn't understand. I looked at my aunt Arie and uncle Jay and gave them a dirty look because of them and to a stupid Neal my parents, my family was ripped away from their land. I shake my head. It's all fake, it has to be. I mean look at them, if they were really from a land like that they wouldn't have adapted that easily to this way of life. It was probably a project for mom's work because the outfits that the pictures had looked like they could have been created at my mom's fashion company. I shake off this feeling and try to enjoy my time here with the family. I look at everyone and I started to laugh. I can see them in those ridiculous but fun costumes. Leia comes charging at me and falls in my arms. "Why are you laughing?" I push her away. "Bug off Leia." She pushes me and leaves. I look at Leia and all I could see is the picture of when my mom was little in the book. I'm practically seeing my mom, the exact same eye, skin and hair color. My brother and I look like my dad. No matter how hard I was trying to enjoy my time I couldn't forget everything that I read. No I have to keep going like nothing's happened. I smile and continued to eat my pasta salad and enjoy this lovely day with the family.

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