Happy At Last

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1 month later

I'm finally home. I go running to my room and jumped on my bed. I couldn't believe everything that happened to me. I hug my pillow so tight that I think I actually destroyed it. I get up and I look around my room and I see pictures and lights all around the wall and the ceiling. There were pictures from the ball to the graduation and when I was gone.

He took pictures of his first time at the university and I mean of everything else that he did like if I didn't miss a single moment of it. He dedicated all the pictures to me. I see one where he's studying for a test and its labeled, "can't concentrate on math when I'm too busy thinking about you." I smiled and they were all labeled similarly. I smiled and started to cry. I couldn't believe he was doing all this while I was asleep.

My dad walks in. "Rhea you ok?" He asks. "Yeah dad I'm just seeing the pictures." "Ah yes, Jerry would come everyday and update the wall and ceiling." He smiled. "Yes he truly loves you dear." He hugs me. "So do you love him?" "Yes I love him dad." "Just one thing I ask of you, don't be all seductive to him, I know you got that from me but my little girl can't be all sexy like that."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Well dad I'm about to be 20." He smiled and hugged me and I could see a tear rolling down his face. "Aye my little girl isn't so little anymore." I smiled. That's when we hear a knock on the door. We look over and see Jerry. "Am I interrupting?" My dad smiles. "No come in." He walks over and Killian smiles. "Ok I'll leave you two." I smile. "Thanks dad." He nods and walks out of the room.

As soon as the door closes Jerry comes and kisses me. I kiss him back and that's when he pushes me and we fall on the bed. We continue to kiss and I let go and giggle. "Hey, we can get caught, and you wouldn't want my dad to see us like this." He scoffs. "True." I smile and he gives me one last kiss. We get up and I walk over to the wall.

"You did all this?" He nods as hugs me from behind. "Yes, it kept me motivated." I smile.
"I am so sorry my love for spending so much time under." He sighs then smiles. "It doesn't matter now because you're back in my arms."
I turn around and kiss him. He smiles as we kiss.

I let go and caress his cheek. He smiles. I look over at an empty part of my wall next to the bed and smiled. "My love from now on we will post pictures here of our adventures." He smiles. He takes my Polaroid camera and he takes a picture of us. He writes something on it and tapes it on my wall. "The day my love came back to me." It said in the bottom. I smiled.

I turn to him and kissed him. "I love you." He smiles. "I love you too." We look at the wall again and smile. "Can't wait to see what the future has in store for us." I say with a smile and he nods. "Jerry, Rhea, come on we are going out to eat dinner." We heard my mom scream. We both laugh. I walk to the door and before I open it Jerry pulls me into a kiss.

I smile as we kiss. "I love you." I say in between breaths. "I love you too." Jerry says as well. "Any day now would be wonderful you two." My dad screams and we laugh. "Gotta love my family." I say and Jerry laughs. "Wouldn't have it any other way." I smile and we made our way out the door.

The End.

You guys thank you so much for reading the last book to my series! I hope y'all enjoyed it. You guys are amazing and I love you all. Hope you go and check out my other stories!☺️💕

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