Imagine (Jared Leto) -3

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So hello everyone, I plan on making this a story more than a really short imagine. Also I'm coming up with ideas to make a kinky sort of book. Gonna be pretty long :) so keep reading this one !! And vote and comment


Jared got up and went to answer the door, I see a tall handsome looking man, as he says hello to Jared he peeks through the side of his head and sees me.

"Oh, well well" he smirks and I look at him in confusion. "I didn't know you had compa-"

Jared interrupts him "No" he says seriously it's not like that she's the new assistant, I thought I would be nice of me to welcome her on her first day by buying her Chinese food, she's never tried it" he laughed as he widen his eyes

"Oh really" said Shannon "you sure your normal"

I laughed "what's up with this, your not from this planet and your not normal thing. I haven't tried Chinese food because it never interested me" I laughed as I finished speaking.

"No it's just rare, you know? If your from around here you eventually get to trying it"

"Well I didn't really get a chance for you to exchange names. You will be seeing a lot of each other around this place so might as well.
(Y/N) this is Shannon and, Shannon this is
(Y/N ), Shannon is my brother.

I thought to my self quickly, "wow I really need to start doing some research on this band"

"Nice to meet you"

"Same as well I said" giving him a smile

"I thought I might let you know I'm not actually eating the Chinese food, I'm vegan so I don't really eat that kind of food even if there isn't any meat. I just hate meat, so Shannon have what I ordered for you" Jared said. I was sort of confused, I guess he knew Shannon was coming?

"Yeah yeah no problem, don't worry" he said smiling at him

Jared went into the kitchen and started to make something for himself, Shannon pulled up a chair from the dinner table and moved it near the tv where I was sitting.

"So..... You don't seem to be like crazy about being here, your eating dinner with 2 of the
Members from 30 seconds to Mars aren't you a little freaked out? I mean tomo isn't here but you'll meet him tomorrow"

"Well, I guess I'm not, I don't know? It's just I guess I'm always playing piano or doing other things I never really focus on what's happening on the Internet or what's playing on the radio.
Your music is pretty different, but in a good way from what I've heard. So I guess that's why I don't know you guys" I looked at him in a kind of embarrassment, then I looked down playing with my fingers.

"So did he actually invite you here?"

"Yeah he did?" I looked at him confused "why?"

"Well he never does that unless he's like you know. Doing some woo hoo kinda stuff, that's why I kind of suspected he was bringing you over here for what I said a second a go" he chuckled

"Well, no he's been so nice and inviting and funny, plus I don't really want to get involved with someone I work with right?"

Jared walks in and interrupts the conversation as there is a knock on the door, Chinese food finally.

Shannon excitedly says "finally I'm fucking starving"

The Assistant- Jared LetoWhere stories live. Discover now