Jared Leto - The New Assistant

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Back again, enjoy this chapter loves! If your starting school, I hope you have a great first day, or week. If you work tomorrow, I hope you have a splendid day, and live life to the fullest! Love you guys keep reading. By the way, a lot of time passed around 6 and a half months in this chapter.


Jared's POV

This is probably the best 6 months I've ever had in my life, touring, and seeing the echelon. The tour is almost finished sadly but I've enjoyed it. (Y/N) agreed to hiring a new assistant.  So things have been working out great. I hope though, that they get even better through out the rest of the years.


Your POV

We got out of our car into the last hotel we would be staying in, sadly. Although I've had the best 7 months anyone could ask for, my relationship with the band members has improved to great lengths. Me and Jared have been going along great, and our relationship has grown closer through out the months.

"You seem like you don't want to go back to LA" Jared said looking at me as we made our way into the elevator.

"Honestly, I really don't. Ive had a lot of great experiences in my life, but I could definitely say, this was the greatest, and I thank you for it'

"(Y/N) Well you have made this one of the best tours, and I thank you for it as well" He said as he gave me the sweetest smile.

We got out of the elevator and made our way down into the hallway approaching our room. We had an extra day of freedom, and it was today, because two performances were taking place Saturday and Sunday. We decided to head out for lunch, Tomo, Shannon, Jared, and me.  Possibly do some sight seeing if we can, and after, dinner.

  We were in Australia for their last performance, and it was the last location of the tour. 

"Hey, (Y/N) can I ask you something?" Jared said as we got changed for lunch

"What's up?"

"Well, considering when I get back and hire a new assistant, I know you will be working with me all the time, and always be where I am, since we are together, don't you think it would be a reasonable idea to move in together?"

"Well yeah, It would, but Jared I've been meaning to talk to you about these things. You've been so busy, I've never really had the chance, I need a stable job. I don't want to be living off you, I want to do something Im good at and get paid, you understand? I can move in with you, I've been with you long enough to know I'm certain about that decision, but I need to take other things into consideration"

"Yes well, I can help you look into new job opportunities, I have plenty of connections to get you going"

"Yeah thats fine, thank you" I said with a smile, as we both finished getting ready for lunch.


"So, I've got news" Jared said to Shannon and Tomo as we sat down for lunch.

Shannon has been nice, but completely distant, compared to when I first met him

"(Y/N) is moving in" Jared said excitedly

"Oh wow things are getting really serious huh?" Tomo said happily

"Yeah!" he said  "its great, right Shannon?"

"What?" he said, completely not knowing whats going on.

"We are moving in together"

"Oh yeah thats awesome! She can work with us now, with music and all that shit" he said laughing awkwardly. Then looking at me in disappointment, as he continued eating his sandwich.

Short Chapter, but if you stay updated the next one is going to be even longer, and better, and crazier than ever ;) Stay updated and keep reading, comment and vote for the story, its the least you could do, *chuckles* since your reading the story it would be sweet of you, and it would mean the world to me.  Have great days, months and years.

"Sleep deep, Dream big" - Jared Leto

The Assistant- Jared LetoWhere stories live. Discover now