Ziam-Liam sick/hurt

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Zayn's P.O.V

"How is he doing?" Louis asked,walking into my hotel room

"Same I guess" I shrugged,looking at the pain an paleness on boys face

"do you know what he has" Niall asked

"Well since he broke his ankle he has been in a lot of pain and he gave himself a fever"

Liam broke his ankle during a show by doing a hand stand with Louis and then fell,he then started crying and had to take him the hospital,while we got the hospital they said that he had broken his ankle and he is sick.


Liam jumped at the sound of the thunderstom.

"It's OK baby,it's just a thunderstorm" I said telling him

He has always hated being sick,hurt and has always hated thunderstorms.It probably doesn't help with the pounding headache. I started to run my fingers through his hair.

Paul then walked into mine and Liam's room.

"Pack your things we are going on the bus" Paul said

Paul then walked out of the room and closed the  door

"Aren't you going to wake him" Harry asked

"I'll wake him up in a little while to let him sleep,I need to go get ready and so do you guys" I told them

"But I don't want to go get dressed and then pack my stuff ad then go on the bus,I just want to eat" Niall whined

"You get to eat on the bus"Louis said

"Now let's go get ready" Harry said

Niall,Harry and Louis walked out of my room and then I started to get ready.

Liam's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of moving,my leg started to hurt and then I started to get dizzy.

"ZAYN" I yelled

Zayn then came rushing towards me and then sat next to me on the bed.

"What's wrong  babe"

"My leg hurts and I feel dizzy"

"Don't worry babe I'm here"

After a few minutes of comforting me the dizzness started to go away and so did the pain in my leg.

"Babe you have to get up and change because we got to leave"

"But I don't want to"

"You have to Liam"

This is going to be long day



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