The Surfer and The Artist pt3

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"Week three at the studio in Sydney is almost over and I think it's turning out pretty sick" I said but still spray painting my art

"You may not be able to swim but you sure know what  you're doing in here" Liam said but laughed at the end

I laughed too and continued to spray paint my art

I laughed too and continued to spray paint my art

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Once I was done. Liam told me that he had to go to his competition, I nodded; he walked out of the room to go get dressed in his wetsuit. When he came out,we walked to the car,it was about a 7-14 minute drive. Once there Liam got his board and then walked towards the ocean to start his part of the competition.

Third P.O.V

The announcer was speaking into the microphone while Liam was on his board

"Liam Payne is up and this is the round that could see him heading into the finals" The announcer said

"We're into the semi-finals and it looks as though Liam Payne will go head to head with seasoned pro Kelly Slater in the finals next week" The announcer said

The  next day Liam had and interview with a magazine

Interviewer: How does it feel to have gotten this fair in the competition so far?
Liam: So wicked, I can't even believe it to be to be honest  *Smiles*

Love yall

Amount Words: 219

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