The Surfer and The Artist pt 4

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Liam and I were walking down the beach for him to go to the competition, I walked to the seat in the front row so I could see him better. He got his board and ran into the water with it and started to pedal,he then caught a big wave, bigger than the waves he rides and I looked very shocked. Everyone was screaming and chanting Liam's name

"GO LEEYUM" I yelled out

Once he was done,he sat on his board and smiled

"Liam Payne just finished his final ride and it looks as though we may have just found ourselves the Sydney 2013 winner" The announcer said

Liam got out of the wate and dropped  his board and on the sand. I jumped out of my seat and ran and to him and we hugged. I was so proud of him. We both released from the hug, he then walked over the interviewer


I walked  over to the interviewer and started to answer the questions

Interviewer: You're officially the Quicksilver Sydney 2013 champion. Congratulations,mate
Liam: Thanks! I'm actually still in shock,really
Interviewer: Do you have any plans now or will you spend more time here in Sydney?
Liam: Told  my friend Zayn,I'd teach him how to swim,so can't leave before I do that *laughs*

Next Day ....

I was with Zayn and he showed me a video of Kelly Slater

"Liam's a great guy and it was a well deserved win,absolutely." 

"Oh Sh*t , Kelly Slater talked about me" I said 

Zayn laughed. Zayn picked up his tea and looked at me, I took a picture of it and posted it on Twitter

 Zayn picked up his tea and looked at me, I took a picture of it and posted it on Twitter

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I posted it on instagram too. I looked Zayn in the eyes


"Yea Leeyum' He asked while putting down his tea

"Uh....Will....Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked

"Oh My God! Yes,Yes. One thousand times Yes!" Zayn yelled and jumped into my arms

I picked him up and hugged him. We then looked into each others eyes and kissed. This the happiest day of my life

I got feels while writing this

Love Yall

Amount words: 333

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