Ziam-The Over Protective BoyFriend

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HighSchool au: Zayn is shy and quiet, likes to write stories and wears glasses and his boyfriend Liam will rip the throat out of anyone that looks at him/talks about in him in the wrong way

I pulled up into the school parking lot with my boyfriend of 3 years Zayn Malik. He's a shy and quiet lad but once you get to know him he's a really great person. Anyways Zayn and I got out of the car and I put my hand around Zayn's waist,he looked at me and blushed; I kissed him on top of his head and we started to walk inside.
Once we were inside,everyone looked at us.Zayn looked uncomfortable who they were looking at us so I gave them the 'back off my boyfriend' look. I walked Zayn to his locker and watched him put his stuff in and take stuff out,he noticed that I was looking

"What?" He giggled

Oh lord....his cute little giggle drives me off the edge. It's just so adorable

"What I can't look at my boyfriend?"

"Liam" Zayn said in a whining voice

"It's just that...You look so cute"

"Liam stop...I'm not that cute"

"You're right you're not cute...You're adorable" I said

Zayn giggled again,he closed his locker and he looked at Liam.

"Walk me to class?" Zayn said

"Of course your majesty" I said

I put my hand over Zayn's shoulder and then walked him to his class which was Writing aka his favorite class. Once we got there we stopped at the door.

"Call or text me if anything happens to you ok?" I said being the over protective boyfriend I am

"Don't worry I will,I promise now get going or you'll be late to class"

"Ok bye babe"


I kissed Zayn on his soft lips and then he walked into class,the teacher then closed the door and that's when the bell rang,I guess I better start walking there or else I have to get a detention.Oh well wasn't planning on being early to class anyways.


I walked into class and took a seat next to my best friend Harry,his boyfriend is Louis Tomlinson quarter back of the football team.

"Hey Zen" He said

"Hey Haz" I said back

The teacher then started to talk and both of us shut our mouths so we can listen to what was happening.

"Ok class,please take out your writing homework,pen or pencil and notebook." Me Zachary said

Harry and I did as we were told. The teacher started to collect the homework,he then came over to Harry and I and took our homework's. The teacher asked some questions and every time Harry or I answered the questions right

"See class....why can't you all be like Harry and Zayn?"

The class groaned,some students threw stuff at us when the teacher wasn't looking. Harry and I don't really get bullied but when we do our boyfriends take care of the people who bullied us.
     The teacher told us to write a fantasy story about anything so that's what I did. After a while I needed to use the bathroom so I raised my hand,the teacher came over to my desk

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