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This book is dedicated to my mother and father for their kindness, endless love, and support that they have given me throughout my book journey as their daughter to an author. I love you both so much and am hoping that with everything that I've accomplished more of my dreams and goals will become a reality.

I would also like to dedicate this book to Oska my furry canine friend who has helped me throughout this process as well to reduce my stress and to come to my aid when I needed him the most.

To the lecturers that I've had in the past and present, throughout my time of studying with you and learning the ropes without you all as a student connecting with me in your special way and to get to know me more than just having Aspergers Syndrome as this label. Without all your support, guidance and patience when teaching me some valuable life lessons along the way, I wouldn't be here today.

To some of my friends (too many to list here) who have journeyed with as a person with Aspergers Syndrome; thanks for being part of my life. Also to Vernon Holden (a family friend) thanks all the way for your invaluable support both as a friend, colleague and almost like a grandfather. Finally, to others out there that's dealing with having Aspergers Syndrome. I hope that this book will help you and many others that are in your circle to understand you more as a person.

Life of an Aspie - Looking into Everyday Life of Aspergers SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now