Can You See or Hear Me? Invisible Disability

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"Hello! Excuse me! Are you there?"

"Is anyone out there?"

Now, I see that I've got you reader's attention to what I'm addressing or would like to share right now, on the topic called "Invisible Disability". There are different definitions out there to what this is, yet I'll share with you to my understanding of this, including the definitions and more in this chapter.

Invisible Disability to my understanding is defined as that, which isn't predominant or clearly shown in us, but shows some underlying symptoms before it finally shows up at a given stage of diagnosis.

I've been sharing and repeating this so many times before that, there'll be a time where it'll show under another diagnosis of any kind given to us. Sometimes, it'll show up in some diagnosis, yet other times it'll show in the wrong one diagnosis, that's how DNA works. However, it'll give us a hell of a beating and a ride to how and what it'll do to us in the long run. With invisible disabilities of some kinds, it'll tend to play tricks on us on how the DNA and genetics works.

Invisible disabilities are quite common conditions with people that are clinically depressed or with people who've been misdiagnosed before getting the right diagnosis and treatments for themselves. An example that we can look at properly, is people that are hearing impaired, who need to rely on hearing aid or a helping dog... Some people may not look disabled to people, at first sight, even those ones I've been talking to. But, it doesn't mean that they're always deaf or blind as they can almost do anything like any normal being. Sometimes, people have limited ways of doing their daily activities but, they won't complain as such as they'll just keep doing what they're doing and ultimately they're likely to achieve more because they are more dedicated. Sometimes, we need to be aware, but not too cautious as such to how we may approach others that are different towards us, and how what we say could affect them without us realising it.

Sometimes, this can be to a point in how we'll take it, yet it's again the same for others that doesn't seems to want to know or understand that many of us may have boundaries and respect for ourselves to how we see ourselves as people. I'm strongly one of them, however, and that many people can laugh and point fingers at me, but that's fine as it's their loss in the long run, not mine. Or, shall we say that they're the one that has problems, not me, as I know who and what I am. Sometimes, it's all about respecting each other and being able to accept each other's differences; yet based on what I've seen and dealt with in the past and present, not many people will do this. Also, the way things are, as long as they're okay, it doesn't matter what others may think. I feel there are so many selfish, rude and other labels which I don't wish to address here; yet I hope that you'll understand what I'm trying to say and address to you all as I've written this out.

Invisible disabilities, however, can be Chronic Illnesses like Depression, Schizophrenia and more which sometimes, will come to the point where it can impair people with their daily activities, by restricting them to do the activities that they love to do.

For example, we're playing outside or even just going to do some tramping and the ones that are with at this time can't do this, it might get to a point where they may see themselves as a failure or a let-down to others due to their limited abilities to do everyday activities or expresses their innate skills. Some of the hidden disabilities can inhibit or stop us from doing our everyday tasks, yet if we had the right attitude and thinking that it won't do this to us, we can then go further and achieve more. This is, however, based on everyday choices that we make in our lives. I've seen that people have their struggles and battles or whatever it is that they face, that they tend to feel depressed and out, as I'm one of them, as I do have my good days and bad days while facing my demon of Depression.

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