Myths About Autism & Autism Spectrum Disorder

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There have been so many myths and different viewpoints from clinical experts and researchers alike about what really causes Autism and other Autism Spectrum Disorder conditions. Yet, I want to clarify and to create a better understanding and awareness for you readers to get rid of the stereotyping and judgmental views and thinking, about people with Aspergers Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autism and more. There are only a few myths that have been thought about people with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other autistic conditions.

Myth 1: Many children and young adults that have Autism Spectrum Disorder don't care about others.

Fact: This myth is not true as there are a few minorities of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder that do care for others around them. And, they're the ones that gets hurt the most, as they put themselves out there and on the line for others. They are the ones who care so deeply for others, as most of us do have sensitive feelings, but some of those who suffer from Autism Spectrum Disorder, do lack the ability to develop empathetic and socially connected behaviors towards others, as well as to themselves.

Some people with Autism Spectrum Disorder, however, do tend to misread or even misinterpret the cues of the body language, emotions and thinking from others, as well to what you say to them also

Myth 2: Children and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder prefer to isolate themselves.

Fact: This myth is not true to me as many of us with Autism Spectrum Disorder Love to socialise with people, as well as interacting and engaging with others around us. Yet many of us do tend to lack the ability to develop the social interaction skills at a young age and may find it difficult later on in life to engage and interact with people. Sometimes, due to people's ignorance, stereotyping and assumptions about people that have Autism Spectrum Disorder and other autistic conditions, it usually becomes difficult to actually interact and engage with people no matter what they are and who they are. If we can get rid of the assumptions, stereotyping of others and just accept each other's differences no matter what it is we've got and then it will become easier over time to get along. As mentioned earlier, many of us do need acceptance, and more to get ahead in life. 

Myth 3: ASD Children and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders cannot learn social skills.

Fact: Children and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders, sure as hell can learn social skills, and lots more. There is no such word as "Can't" in our dictionary, as we tend to push more on ourselves to actually aim and achieve the desired results and outcomes, to any possible solutions and situations that we will face. We push ourselves harder to gain the skills set that are required from us, as well as having the right people with the right attitude and thinking, to receive the individualised and specialised training and instructions. Anything is possible, yet it is up to us how we will go about it, as everything starts and ends with us at the end of the day. Sometimes, some of us with Autism Spectrum Disorders can be really competitive so as to achieve what we want in life. We are really self-disciplined and self-motivated. Some "Normal people" may need to learn a few aspects of life through us. And, you will be grateful seeing through our lives, in a different light, which may work and be applicable to your own lives.

Some people may think of us as a threat, once we do achieve and gain knowledge and success. Yet, we are all all humans; and we do the same thing as others does but we do realize it to some point that all these things could be contradicting and might not fit into our mold of what's needed to be done.

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