Chapter 7: The Cold is Warming Up

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*Frisk's POV*

I opened the ruins door and goosebumps immediately went up my arm as a cold breeze went over us. "Well looks like we have to deal with this now. I always hated the cold, but its nice to be back." I looked down and Chara and saw that his nose was already tuning red. 

"What are you looking at Frisk. Eh, doesn't matter though, here take my hoodie." He took of hid hoodie and handed it to frisk, only having his golden t-shirt on now.

I put it on and looked at him, "Are you sure its ok for me to wear this?"

*Chara's POV* 

I was thinking about how i hated the cold, but not because it bothered me. It always seems to make me very tired very quickly. "Y..ya its fine I don't mind the cold, except for the fact that it makes me very tired." I was already starting to yawn, but tried to hide it. 

Suddenly Frisk picked me up and put me on his shoulders. "Well Chara, at least now if you fall asleep you wont fall right?" He started walking, and I could feel my face getting red, but not from the cold. Before I knew it I was asleep while being carried by Frisk.

*Frisk's POV*

I was walking and new exactly what would happen, the stick would break, I would turn around see the shadow, then I would stop at the bridge. I walked past the stick and nothing happened, then saw sans standing at the bridge. I walked over and said, "Not doing your normal routine huh?" I was being careful not to wake Chara this entire time.

"You know, kid, its better to great an old friend with a hug rather than a joke, isn't it?" Sans came up and hugged me, and when he saw Chara asleep said, "And what is that monster doing on your shoulders? It can walk right?"

I glared at Sans, "Well you don't have to like him, and your lucky he is asleep, but for my sake, at least pretend when hes awake ok? I knew you wouldn't approve of this, but I do think I like him as more than a friend." As soon as I said this I felt the blood rushing to my face.

Sans gave an audible sigh then spoke, "Well i'll let you try, but if it does anything whatsoever to you or anyone I know, I will personally eradicate them. Now come on kid, Papyrus should be coming soon.

I grabbed a tighter hold onto to Chara and followed Sans.

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