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We think of the world as a machine, the entire thing moving along with the different parts all being important to the running of the machine. The different classes of people acting as the cogs of the machine, the homeless and the unemployed were the ones that were pushed along by the other cogs. But sometimes the machine becomes broken, or something gets jammed in one of the gears. Those things are simply usually just spots of dirt, oil that was dropped down or rust.

But sometimes it's not.

Sometimes it's bugs that may their fate while falling, sometimes it a wedding ring that came off someone's finger while they worked.

And in the rarest of cases, it could be a human.

A middle aged man, working his 9 to 5 job. You see, things like this, they're always an accident. Being too careless and being to calm. All it could take is a thread, a misplaced piece of equipment on the floor.

And then they trip or get pulled back.

And then what's stuck in the machine isn't that simple anymore. It's an arm, or its a leg, blood in the veins and the skin being ripped apart. The flesh being torn into shreds, and man it was attached to screaming in pain.

And that's what the Earth is.

We are all parts of machines that are trying to get by, doing our part or making a new part in the world so it may function.

And when it's not so simple anymore, is where the monsters are.

The blood and the flesh and the things that may never see the day.

The accidents.

The things with fangs and the things that we only dream of.

Have you ever thought of why we as humans are afraid of creatures with sharp teeth, humans with insane powers, things with claws that come for you when you sleep? The things that live under your bed, the red glowing eyes?

That's because they have existed with us.

One time, you've seen one. You've at some point walked into a room and seen it, watching you in the corner. You thought nothing of it, it's seething fangs dripping with white saliva.

And why do we ignore?

Because that's what your brain does. When you can't process something, your brain blocks it out, quite like it does when your math teacher says something and you have absolutely no idea what it was.

But there are some people that can see them, that have the brain capacity to see the creatures we only dream of.

They are the workers in our machine of life.

The ones that clean up the blood at the end of the day, the ones who remove the bits of broken bone and shredded flesh from the cogs and gears. The ones who have to create a report in the deceased worker.

The hunters.

The ones who saw them, saw the monsters and want to do something about it. Yes, some had lost their families or family members, but the normal person would mourn and walk away, not pursue the very thing that had caused it.

Vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, demons, you name it. Not sexy vampires though. Not Twilight vampires. Dead vampires. Ones that live off of other humans, the nutrients in your blood. Werewolves with disgustingly dirty hair, greasy and filled with mud. Creatures that kill you for game.

It's not their fault, exactly. They just need to eat. They're programmed that way. But when they start killing for sport, that's when it's wrong. When they kill a young girl walking home. When they kill their ex-boyfriend for past memories.

That's when a hunter does their job.

Because humans are the same, we breed animals for our own food, we hunt animals for game. But we have laws, we have common sense. These things don't. They have instinct and hunger, neither being the best for us.

And here are our hunters.


"Gerard Way: Gerard Arthur Way. Former comic book artist, 30 years of age. Last seen with black hair, a scar on his neck. Hazel eyes, missing a molar on his left side. Born and raised in Jersey. Brother of Michael James Way, parents have not come forward to claim.

Michael "Mikey" Way: Michael "Mikey" James Way. Former bassist of the band My Chemical Romance, 25 years of age. Last seen with brown hair, black glasses and a broken wrist. Eye color not specified. Born and raised in Jersey. Brother of Gerard Arthur Way, parents have not come forward to claim.

Raymond Toro: Raymond "Ray" Toro. Former lead guitarist of the band My Chemical Romance, 29 years of age. Last seen with a gun and speaking on a disposable cell phone. Eye color and race not specified. Born and raised in Jersey. Parents and girlfriend killed in a bar when an angry vampire became drunk.

Frank Iero: Frank Anthony Iero Jr. Former lead of the bands Prency Prep and Leathermøuth. Former rhythm guitarist of the band My Chemical Romance, 24 years of age. Last seen with Gerard Way (see top), in a bar in South Dakota. Race not specified. Hazel eyes, born and raised in Jersey. Parents have not come forward to claim. "


You see, we all have our demons. And while we battle the ones inside, we forget the ones that watch us. The ones that can see our dreams, the ones that plant the nightmares in our heads. The ones that feed off of despair.

While we fight our inner demons, someone out there is fighting the real ones.

Fighting for us.

When We All Fall DownOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora