1) S-I-N

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Gerard slammed his fist on the window of his van, making his brother jump behind him and his friends groan in annoyance. The van they were in was a ten-seater van, the four of them being more then enough for the large seating number.

Ray was driving, his head backed up on the top of the seat and his eyes trained on the road. Gerard was sitting next to him, annoyance flashing in his face every five minutes. His brother sat behind him, Mikey Way. Behind the passenger seat and the driver's seat were two other seats and two gaps where the door was. Behind the two seats there were another two, a gap, and another seat behind the sliding door. Behind that was another three seats with the same set-up and a large trunk. The roof of the van wasn't very low, it was about four feet tall. The outside was white and had graffiti and other things written in sharpie.

"Are we gonna be there soon?" Frank complained from the backseat. The way, way back, where he was sprawled out across the three seats.

Ray scoffed and rolled his eyes, making Gerard's face crack into a cynical smile. "No, Frank. Two hours and we'll be there." Ray replied.

Mikey sighed behind Gerard again, making him look in the rear view and seeing his headsets being put on, right on top of bleached blonde hair.

"Remind me why we're doing this again?" Gerard said, motioning his hands at the van around them.

"Because we murdered like, seven people and were technically on the run?" Frank piped from the back.

"They weren't people."

"As far as the public was concerned."

"The public doesn't know shit. They think they were people, not monsters." Scoffing and shaking his head, Gerard turned his head back to face Frank. "Two of the the guys we killed raped and drank their ex girlfriends. That's not human. That's sick."

Ray nodded his head in agreement. "The things we hunt aren't human anymore. They used to be. Remember Frankie, the nice ones we leave alone. The ones that just get enough to live by we leave alone. It's the ones that abuse their powers that we kill."

Gee laughed at Ray's fro bobbing with his words and turned his attention back to the road.

The end of the world came unexpected, silent. It came without sirens and without screams. It came with the vampires and the werewolves and the demons and whatnot. It came to the ignorant people, the people who turn a blind eye because it's not what they believe in.

Mikey groaned.

"What is it now?" Cried an exasperated Frank, throwing his arms up in the air and sitting up.

Mikey laughed and removed his headset. "I wanna go stretch my fucking legs." He whined, chuckling.

"The last time we did that you almost blew us up." Ray retorted.

"I didn't know shapeshifters exploded!" His face crumpled into a frown.

"We told you not to throw fire at it, they're flammable, Mikes."

"I didn't know it was gonna explode though."

"Mikey, exploding usually is linked with fire."

"Well, now I know that for next time. How about when Frank thought he could seduce a vampire and then kill it?"

Gerard heard a thump and his brother fell on the floor laughing. Frank had pushed him off his seat.

"I thought it would work. Screw you, Mikeyway."

The next sign they passed read, 'Kansas City'. It was the first sign that there might be civilization in this area. Ray quickly followed the directions from a map on his lap and within three hours they were in a beaten down city.

The end of the world hit us in many different situations. Some cities were wiped out completely, some weren't even affected. Some were brainwashed by stupid people, some were educated enough to know what was happening. Some people got cut off from the rest of the world, some people weren't.

Kansas City was a run down sort of place, the former greatness of it wiped out with litter and debris on the floor. The sun was setting, the red and black of the sky making it apparent that this city was one without power anymore. The only place with power was a small motel with a bar on the first floor. It was solar-powered, the makeshift panels glistening in the last of the sun's rays.

"Stay?" Ray asked when they pulled into the parking lot.

The motel had red lettering that didn't work, the words 'Dead Winter Motel' on the front. The walls were brick, grey paint dripping down onto the floor as if it had just been painted. Scratch marks were visibly on it, as well as blood red trails on the floor.

Frank shook his head. "No, we shouldn't. It looks too sketchy."

"Let's do it. We can get some food and a place to stay. And take some showers, we all smell like balls." Mikey replied.

They took a vote and ended up going, the room ending up to be 200 dollars and there was only one available. So the boys packed up their stuff from the van and hid the van behind the motel, in between some dumpsters where others won't find it and steal it.

Food and showers.

Hell yeah.

Crazy satanic squatters?

Hell no.

Now, the boys have absolutely nothing against religion. You believe in what you believe in, it's just stupid when you're ignorant or close-minded.

But when satanic ritual dudes grab you and try to sacrifice you, it's not very great after that.

And especially when you literally wake up in the middle of the night after a good meal, a nice shower, on a great bed, and see some guy covered in blood staring down at you, it's really not great.

And that's what happened to our boys, they woke up in the middle of the night surrounded by crazy people. They had gone to sleep after taking showers and eating, them being too full from the amazing food that was really just bread and butter to close the door. They're used to it now though. It's part of the job.

"Let us all join hands and let the dark lord accept this sacrifice." One of them spoke. His voice was low and gravelly, his hair tangled and knotted. "Hail our dark Lord Satan." He whispered.

Six people joined hands, each looking at the boys with insane smiles. Gerard was the first to act, launching himself at a guy and just being thrown back again and a knife being held to his throat. "All hail our dark Lord Satan." The crowd droned.

How did this happen?

This was like a dark comedy on crack, but this was real. Hopefully they weren't real about the killing part, however. The other boys were just staring, assessing their situation. If the move, Gerard gets killed. If they don't, Gerard gets killed.

"All hail our-"


A gunshot.

Six, actually. The satanic dudes were shot dead, blood splattering onto the walls in a shower of crimson, bodies crumpling and hitting the floor one by one.

And stand in in the doorway was the person they didn't think they would ever see again.


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