2) Satanic rituals and monster hunting

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Bob stood in the doorway. His dusty blond hair falling into one eye. His beard had grown out, out onto his chest and he looked like a Viking. A small revolver m was in his right hand, swaying at his side and his finger in the trigger. The other hand was free, but he looked dangerous.

The former band member slowly approached the four men, his footsteps making as little noise as possible. The steady dripping of blood coming off of the window sill was the only noise in the room. Gerard and the boys sat, stunned at the man who looked as if he was an apparition.

"Nice to see you too." Bob chuckled.

That seemed to do the trick for the inhabitants of room 1634, and they sprung into action. Gerard pouncing on Bob, Ray closing the door, Frank grabbing bodies and Mikey helping him wrap them in sheets.

Gerard had Bob pinned on the floor, his arms in each side of his head. "What are you doing here, Bob?" He seethed.

All Bob did was smile and laugh. "I'm here to deliver a message for my four best friends. Is that too much?"

Frank stomped over and pulled Gerard off of Bob. "Bob, you asshat. Get out of here. You're lucky we let you go the last time we saw you."

Bob was a vampire. Not a very good one at that, he always got caught in the stupidest things like sunlight or something. But he still was a vampire and he was one to abuse his powers.

The boys found him in the outskirts of Pennsylvania, where 13 people were found dead. The only link was that they were all either drained of blood or burned to death. The obvious answer was a vampire. The not obvious answer was Bob.

It took a lot for Ray not to kill Bob when they saw each other, and they're lucky Bob's not even dead yet. Frank tried to make them friends but that ended with broken bones and a split lip.

A truce was called, and that's where they stand today.

"The last time we saw each other I was a different man." Bob said. He threw Gerard off of his chest.

The boys all sighed.

Gerard looked at the scene around him. Blood was everywhere, it wasn't even like in the movies. It was actually everywhere. On the sheets for some reason, on the floors, on the walls. It looked like they shot up a school, and that's a lot of damn blood.

"Leave." Said Frank. "Leave and don't come back. We don't want to see you."

Smirking, Bob shrugged. "Fine. If that's how it'll be then I guess no message for you." He put a hand on Gerard's shoulder and left.

That was too easy, though. He should've put up a fight.

What did he do?


It was dark.

Ray could hear screams. Familiar screams.


No no no.

It was a dream, a memory.

"Ray, why so sad?" Laughed a voice. It was beautiful, laced with all the right qualities. Love and worry coated the voice, sweet and sickly like honey from the hive.


"Ch-Christa?" He stuttered, turning blindly. Nobody was there.

A laugh that made his insides twist in sadness erupted from behind him. His Christa was here. He needed his Christa.

"Ray, go hang out with your girlfriend." That was his mother. He could recognize the motherly tone in her voice just about anywhere. But what was happening?

He wasn't here. He wasn't in this dark, black jail. He was at a motel with his friends. Christa was dead. His mother was dead.

"You aren't real." He sighed.

A hand ghosted over his shoulder, the warm touch making Ray long for his girlfriend even more. But that wasn't possible. She was dead.

"I'm not dead, Ray." She said, as if she could read his thoughts. "Stay with me."

And even though Ray wanted, with all of his aching heart, to stay here in this fake, blind world with his Christa, he knew it wasn't possible.

The vampire killed her.

And suddenly he was in another memory. The night they died.

The aftermath.

Blood on the walls, the floor, the tables. Smashed glass on the floor and bits of torn flesh and body parts lay scattered all over the bar. The man responsible for all of it crouched in he middle, his ragged and laboured breathing making Ray stand terrified in one spot.

"Ray?!" Yelled a voice.

Not this. This was how she died. He told her to stay, why didn't she listen?

"Ray, I'm here!"

No, Ray wanted to yell. No, shut up. He'll kill you.

And it was too late.

A scream and a pounce was all it took and the light behind her eyes faded. She fell backwards, all signs of life erased from her facial expression. She was dead. Again. His Christa was dead.

He screamed in rage, in pain of losing his lover for a second time.

And then he woke up.


Ray woke up in a cold sweat next to Gerard and Frank. Mikey was nowhere to be seen. Gerard was crying, Frank whimpering in fear or sadness. They all woke up at the same time, and it became obvious that Bob planted a hex in their room to relieve their worst memories.

But where was Mikey?

A/N: sorry it took so long I've been busy with school and stuff and just ahh kill me so here's an update I love you guys

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