4) Spoopy scary skeletons

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Where was Mikey?

The words resounded in Gerard's brain as he sat in the van. They had already been to two of the three places Mikey might have been in, and all for nothing. He wasn't there.

Ray and Frank were obsessing over the map, trying to find a place to stop. The van was out of gas, all their stuff was in it. It had been Gerard's job to find a car to take the gas from but he didn't want to.

Until it started to get dark.

So with a heavy heart, Gerard trudged down the freeway armed with a small pistol and an empty but large Starbucks cup onto a small road. It led to a motel of some sort, with the windows lit up and music pouring from cracks in the walls. This was monster-land, and night. Gerard was going to have to make this quick.

So he ran to the nearest car, inserting a straw into the gas compartment and sucking the gas out. He spit it into the cup, being careful not to make noise or get anything in his mouth. Once he cup was filled Gerard dared to take a peek inside the motel. As he said, monster land. He needed to check for wrongdoings.



Gerard started his journey back to the van, his pistol tucked into his pants. Where the hell was Mikey, he asked himself for the hundredth time that day. If he wasn't in the next town over there were a million places Bob could've taken him. Unless Mikey was already dead. Gerard practically slapped himself. Stop thinking like that, the scolded himself.

"Is that a gun in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?" Said a voice behind him.

Not Bob.

Fast as lightning, Gerard turned and whipped the gun out of his pants, pointing it at the direction on the voice.

It was a boy with an abnormally large forehead. He was wearing a blue suit and his hands were covered in blood. He was oddly familiar.

"Brendon?!" Gerard asked, incredulously.

Brendon was a vampire they fought side by side with for some time. That is, until Brendon aided in killing Ray's family. The blood on his hands gave a signal that he was up to no good. But the question was, why is he here?

"I'm here to help you save your brother." Brendon announced as if he could read Gerard's mind.


"I'm here to help, Gerard, why don't you believe me?" Brendon smirked.

"How did you know?"

"Take me to the car and I'll tell you."

"Ray will kill you." Gerard could already see Ray launching himself at Brendon, tearing him apart.

"Not after he hears what I have to say." Brendon nodded.


Gerard arrived with Brendon behind him. As expected, Ray's eyes turned glossy with rage.

"You..." he started, then stalked towards him, hands clenched and seething. Frank attempted to hold him back, but he was about a foot shorter than Ray, so he was quickly overpowered.

"He's here to help, Ray." Gerard said, putting his hands on Ray's chest while he advanced.

Ray shook him off. "Like hell he is."

Brendon backed up, his stupid smirk finally disappearing as he realized how strong Ray was when he was angry. "Hey, listen, I-" he started to say.

"Shove your excuses up your ass, Urie." He growled.


Ray shot his hand up and closed it around Brendon's throat, and not in a sexy way, either. He pinned him against the freeway fence he was leaning on. Brendon's hands grasped and flailed to find a grip on Ray's and pull him off.

"Ray, he knows where my brother is." Gerard stated, panicked. Brendon's face was turning red.

"He literally has blood on his hands, Gee." Ray tightened his grip in Brendon's throat.

"Hey, chill. If he fucks up you can kill him. But if he has good information we keep him around." Frank said.

Ray seemed to consider this. Finally, he released his grip on Brendon.

Brendon fell to the floor, grabbing his neck and coughing.

"What do you have for us?" Gerard asked, helping him up and leaning him against the van. He gave the cup of gasoline to Ray, who went to refill the van.

A car sped past them, honking.

"I know where Bob is. Mikey is bound to be with him." Brendon shrugged.

Frank lifted an eyebrow. "How do you know Mikey is with him?"

"Call it a hunch." Brendon responded. "Bob is a powerful vampire. When someone as powerful as that is near me I can feel it. Your brother isn't human, either. I felt what he was feeling and it was... horrible to say the least. He was terrified." He shook his head.

"The hell do you mean, Mikey isn't human? We're brothers and I'm pretty sure we're human." Gerard squinted at Brendon and Frank did the same. They could even hear Ray muttering "Bullshit" behind the van.

Brendon shrugged. "Like I said before, call it a hunch. No human I've ever met could channel feelings like your brother could, even when they're being drained." He smirked yet again, wiggling his bloody fingers in front of Frank's face.

Frank slapped his hand away. "You're fucking sick." He scowled.

"So the plan is we drive around with a vampire that killed my family until so vampire feels your brother's feelings? And then we save your brother and that's only if he-" Ray pointed at Brendon, "doesn't kill us?"

The four of them crossed their arms and stood in silence for a second.

"Listen, I know you're sceptic, but I have my reasons for getting at Bob." Brendon said.

Ray sighed and pinched his temples. "Fine." He breathed. "You're coming with us." He said to Brendon.

Brendon's face split into a smile. "Yes!" He celebrated.

Suddenly Ray grabbed him by the throat again and this time pushed him against the van. "But if you hurt any one of us, I will string you by your intestins down from a bridge." He growled. Ray growls a lot.

That morning, Mikey Way died.






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